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The Church Of Christ 4: The Establishment Of The Church
There are thousands of different churches and religious organizations throughout this world – with thousands of different points and times of origin. Each one of these religious organizations which are not truly Christ’s church began at a different place and a different time than Jesus’s church – and they all had different founders!

If we truly desire to learn about and be part of Christ’s one true church, shouldn’t we be interested to discover what the Bible teaches about the establishment of His church? There were both Old and New Testament prophecies made concerning the establishment of the church of Christ. Now, all of these prophecies have been fulfilled – but, they have only been fulfilled by the one true church Jesus Christ established!

If a religious organization began in any other place besides the place Jesus’ church began, it cannot be Christ’s church. If a religious organization began at any other time besides the time Jesus’ church began, it cannot be Christ’s church. If a religious organization began in any other way besides the way Jesus’ church began, it cannot be Christ’s church.

Therefore, the purpose of this lesson is to gain a greater understanding about how the establishment of the church of Christ in Acts 2 was the fulfillment of numerous prophecies that were made prior – and to understand that the true church must be able to trace its origin back to this significant point in time. 

The Establishment Of The Church
Should you be interested in being part of the church that began when the Scriptures said it would begin?
1. Old Testament Prophecies
What prophecies were made about the church in Isaiah 2:2-4?
What prophecies were made about the church in Daniel 2:31-45?
What prophecies were made about the church in Joel 2:28-35?
What prophecies were made about the church in Micah 4:1-5?
2. The Coming Of The Kingdom
Discuss how the kingdom was a central theme of the ministries of both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ?
Discuss some important aspects about John’s statement that the kingdom of Heaven is “at hand.”
Discuss some important aspects about Christ’s teaching that He would build His church.
Discuss some important aspects about Christ’s teaching that the kingdom would come prior to the death of man in Luke 9:27.
Discuss some important aspects about Jesus’ instruction to His apostles to tarry in Jerusalem.
3. The Church Of Christ Is Established
In what chapter of the Bible do you read about the establishment of Christ’s church? Discuss.
Discuss how the following prophecies were fulfilled:
A. Established by Christ –
B. During the lifetime of those in Luke 9:27 –
C. During the days of the Romans –
D. Beginning in Jerusalem –
E. The last days –
F. All nations –
G. God’s Spirit poured out –
H. Those who called on the name of the Lord were being saved –
I. Began small and grew –
J. Everlasting –
K. Peaceful –


4 - The Establishment Of The Church Study Questions.pdf