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3 - The Names And Descriptions Of The Church 1280x720 mp4.mp4
The Church Of Christ 3: The Names And Descriptions Of The Church

There are thousands of different religious organizations today – with thousands of different names. Each of these different names serve to differentiate one group from the others. There are churches which call themselves “Catholic,” “Baptist,” “Methodist,” “Presbyterian,” “Lutheran,” “Pentecostal,” “Apostolic,” “Nazarene,” and many, many other titles.

Perhaps there is not much thought as to the Bible authority involved in how we designate a church in today’s society. However, a name actually says a lot about the congregation! Each of the names I just listed identifies those churches with particular doctrinal beliefs and religious practices. And, each one of those names suggest that those religious organizations are unconcerned with selecting a name that can be found in the pages of the New Testament.

However, if we are interested in being part of the church you can read about in the pages of the New Testament (Jesus’ one true church), shouldn’t we be interested in being called by a name God approves?

The same thing is true concerning the church today. If we are interested in being part of the church you can read about in the Bible, we should be interested in doing all things according to the authority of Jesus Christ! And, if we are interested in doing everything by the authority of Jesus Christ, this must include calling the church only by names which are used for the church in the Bible! 

The Church Of Christ
Lesson 3: The Names And Descriptions Of The Church
Should the church be interested in wearing a Scriptural name? Why or why not?
1. Is There Anything In A Name?
Does it matter what a church calls itself? Explain your answer.
Is there anything important regarding the name of a child?
Is there anything important regarding the name of a business?
Is there anything important regarding the name of your spouse?
Why is a name important?
Is name the only important factor? Explain.
2. Names Used In Scripture
Discuss the general references to the “church.”
Discuss the specific references to the church of God/Christ.
3. Descriptions Of The Church
Discuss the designation of the church as the kingdom of God/Christ.
Discuss the designation of the church as the body of Christ.
Discuss the designation of the church as the household of God.
Discuss the designation of the church as the temple of God.
Discuss the designation of the church as the bride of Christ.
Identify any other designation of the church here:
*Is the name of the church important? Is it the only important thing? Explain.


3 - The Names And Descriptions Of The Church Study Questions.pdf