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•  LESSON 5 • Genesis 4:1-6:7 •

  The Beginning of Adam’s Descendants
In Genesis 3:16, the LORD God had spoken of childbearing to Eve. Genesis 4 documents the beginning of the descendants of Adam and Eve, Unfortunately, it does not describe the end of sin. In fact, we don’t even get one chapter beyond the beginning of sin in Genesis 3 before reading about murder.

  What should we make of Genesis 4:3-5? How does Hebrews 11:4 enhance our understanding of what was going on? 

  What warning did the LORD give Cain in Genesis 4:6-7 and what can we learn from it? 

  What do we learn about God in Genesis 4:10? 

  What was God’s curse on Cain? In what way did God extend grace to Cain? 

 Genesis 4:17-24 is a record of Cain’s descendants. 

  Is there anything that stands out to you as you read about Cain and his descendants? 

  What should we make of Lamech, particularly based on what he says to his wives in Genesis 4:23-24?

Where as Genesis 4:17-24 documents the descendants of Cain, with Genesis 4:25 we begin to follow the genealogy of another descendant of Adam and Eve—

  What seems to be different about the descendants of Seth according to Genesis 4:26? What sort of contrast can be drawn between Genesis 4:26 and Genesis 4:16?

  In what way would the line of generations in Genesis 5 have meant much more to a Jewish audience than the generational line in Genesis 4? Note especially what Luke records at the conclusion of Luke 3.

  What is significant about what we are told in Genesis 5:5?

  In this long list of names, what is especially remarkable about Enoch in Genesis 5:21-24? What does Hebrews 11:5 add to our understanding of Enoch?
  What should we make of the name that Lamech gave to his son in Genesis 5:28-29?

By the time we reach Genesis 6, man is beginning to “multiply on the face of the land.” 
  Genesis 6:1-4 can be a challenging section of Scripture to understand. What might it mean? 

  While Genesis 6:1-4 might be a challenge to understand, the message and meaning of Genesis 6:5-7 is straightforward. What do we learn about God in these verses?


GENESIS The Book of Beginnings - Lesson 5.pdf