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•  LESSON 6 (February 8)  •  Genesis 6:8-9:28  • 

The Beginning of a Fresh Start with Humanity 
                                                             •:•  Take a moment to refresh yourself on where we left off. How does Genesis 6:5-7 describe humanity's dire situation?

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. (Gen 6:8) 

•:•  What does this mean? 

•!•  What had Lamech said about his son when he named him Noah (Gen 5:28-29)? For what was Lamech hoping? 

•!•  What do we learn about Noah in Genesis 6:9? 

Take the time-to read God's instructions.to Noah in Genesis 6:13-21. 

•:•  What was extraordinary about these instructions? 

•:•  What do we learn about Noah in Genesis 6:22? Perhaps Hebrews ll:7 will also be helpful. 

Genesis 7 is a difficult chapter to read because of its content and a difficult chapter to even imagine. 

•:•  Multiple times Genesis 6-7 references "the breath of life." What is God referencing by this 

•:•  Take some time to seriously reflect. Why did God do what he did in Genesis 7 and  what does 
this cataclysmic event teach us about God?

After reading Genesis 8, think through these questions: 

•!•  What are we being led to understand by the language that is chosen in Genesis 8:1-3? 

•!•  What is God's desire for every living thing after the flood according to Genesis 8:17? 

•!•  "Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar  (6:20). Why? What was the  point of the altar, and why save all of those animals in the ark only to sacrifice them afterwards? 

•!•  What is God communicating in Genesis 8:21-22? 
Finally, carefully read Genesis 9. 

•!•  What do we learn from God's words to Noah and his sons in Genesis 9:1-7? 

•!•  Compare Genesis 9:1-3 with Genesis 1:28-30. What has changed?. 

•!•  What covenant did God make with Noah following the flood, and what was the sign of this covenant? Is that covenant still in effect today? 

•!•  What should we make of the  events in Genesis 9:18-27? 

•!•  Finally, take the time to reflect on Peter's words and his use of Noah's example in 2 Peter 3. 

What should Christians ultimately understand and apply from this ancient example?


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