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  1. NEPF Standard 4:
  2. Choices
  3. Goals
  4. Metacognition…
  5. Slide 5
  6. Metacognition Background Knowledge
  7. Three Basic Metacognition Elements…
  8. 1. Plan: - Connect new information to prior knowledge - Where to begin - Select appropriate tools
  9. 2. Monitor/Maintain: - Select thinking strategies deliberately - Adjust by using multiple entry points - Revise as needed
  10. 3. Evaluate… - Does my solution make sense? Is it reasonable? - How might I apply this line of thinking to other problems? - What could I have done differently?
  11. Slide 12
  12. Teacher Facilitation of Metacognition
  13. Components in the Classroom to Develop Metacognition
  14. Slide 16
  15. Slide 17
  16. Outcomes…
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about one’s own thinking.” -Flavell, 1979 Metacognition… …refers to the knowledge people have about themselves as learners and the awareness of any factors that might impact their performance in various tasks. “Thinking Goals To understand the role and importance of metacognition in education and how standard 4 develop effective habits of life-long learning. To observe and discuss strategies that can create “meaningfulness” in classroom learning and classroom culture. of the NEPF supports this critical 21st century skill. To support students as they NEPF Standard 4: Students Engage in Metacognitive Activity to Increase Understanding of and Responsibility for Their Own Learning Elementary Choices Option 1 - Professional Readings 15-20 minutes of collaboration Option 2 - Video Observations 20-25 minutes of collaboration Option 3 - Readings and Videos 35-45 minutes of collaboration examples of learning tasks/instructional strategies that can support K-5 motivation? Metacognition in the Classroom Context (pgs 22-23) What are some does the research state? Motivation (pgs 21-22) How does metacognition influence Metacognition Background Knowledge Option 1: Read the provided Standard 4 Literature Review Documents and discuss. Metacognitive Knowledge and Regulation (pgs 20-21) What G:\NEPF S4 Materials\NEPF S4 Materials\5Standards&IndicatorsofNEPF.png 3. Evaluate… - Does my solution make sense? Is it reasonable? - How might I apply this line of thinking to other problems? - What could I have done differently? 2. Monitor/Maintain: - Select thinking strategies deliberately - Adjust by using multiple entry points - Revise as needed Select appropriate tools Three Basic Metacognition Elements… 1. Plan: - Connect new information to prior knowledge - Where to begin - designing diverse learning tasks that facilitate interest in learning and reduce social activities that encourage students to reflect on and evaluate their learning process. …students opportunities to observe and regulate their own learning by Teacher Facilitation of Metacognition Provide… …instructional routines and G:\NEPF S4 Materials\NEPF S4 Materials\Standard4Indicators.png Assessing through interviews, anectodal notes, observations More examples of best practices learning. Probe student thinking through effective questioning techniques. Components in the Classroom to Develop Metacognition Learning goals are identified before, during and after the lesson. Making student thinking visible to each other through discourse and collaboration. Mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning. Probe student thinking through effective questioning techniques. self-directed learning beyond the classroom, a critical 21st Century skill. Outcomes… As teachers nurture reflective habits of mind and give students opportunities to manage their own learning, they further students’ intellectual independence and equip them for Outcomes… As teachers nurture reflective habits of mind and give students opportunities to G:\NEPF S4 Materials\NEPF S4 Materials\8MpsCCSS.png monitored learning for all students? Indicator 3 –How does the teacher supports all students to take actions based on the students’ own self-monitoring process?