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Hi everyone, this is Dennis with MainWP, and in this video, I'm going to go over Automatic MainWP Extension Installation. Before we begin, let's define an Extension.

An Extension is a WordPress plugin that works specifically for your MainWP Dashboard. They offer new additions to your Dashboard that either enhance features or add new features. Extensions only get installed on your Dashboard and never on your Child site. You have a couple of options on how to install your Extensions, either manual or automatic installation. 

This video is only focused on automatic installation. 

This is by far the easiest and fastest way to install your Extensions
first, from your Overview page, we're gonna go to the Extension's page
go to the sidebar options enter your login and your password for your MainWP account

We're gonna verify our log in to be sure we have a right
and we get account verification successful; it means going ahead and install our Extensions.

Let's go ahead and press install.

It's going re-verify you and then pop up your Extensions if you're on our pro plan, and you'll have a list of all Extensions as the messages point out you do not need to install all the Extensions at once; let's just select one. 

I'll select the Bulk Setting Manager, and then I'll press install, and we'll wait for that to install, and we'll see it successfully been installed MainWP Bulk Setting  Manager Extension installed successfully. Once we have that installed, click close.

And now you'll see the Extension there.

But your license is deactivated, so let's go ahead and activate that Extension using this button right here; it's going through
and now we have a licensed and activated MainWP Extension. 

Just repeat the steps for any other Extensions you want to install you can even install all of them at once if you choose.

And that is Automatic MainWP Extension Installation again I'm Dennis I'll see in the next video.
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