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intro to internet marketing video 12.mp4

Build Relationships With JV Partners

The more and more you accomplish online, people will seek you out to work on projects either with them or they will ask you to promote their business to your list.

You do this by building an email list of subscribers otherwise known as email marketing. You then would simply send and email to your list for your JV partner recommending their products and services. This is a powerful technique to generate big profits online. We will cover this topic of internet marketing in greater detail in future lessons.
Today's Next Step

Based on what we've covered , I want you to decide if internet marketing is something you are interested in. If it is, determine what kind of business you want to own and operate:

Do you want have your own products?

Do you only want to sell other people's products?

What are your main reasons for inquiring about making money online?

Are you looking for a long term or short term business?

What are your goals?

What is your time-line to start replacing your primary income?

Only you can answer these questions for yourself...then go for it.

Please don't forget to register to Internet Marketing Strategies in the right-hand sidebar so you don't miss out on any lessons.