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Configuring Workflow Subscriptions to Extend vRealize Automation.mp4
You create workflow subscriptions that use the event broker service to monitor the registered services for event messages in vRealize Automation, and then run a specified vRealize Orchestratorworkflow when the conditions in the subscription are met. To configure the subscription you specify the event topic, the triggering conditions, and the workflow that runs when triggered.Tenant administrators can create and manage the workflow subscriptions that are specific to their tenant. The system administrator can create and manage system workflow subscriptions. The created system workflow subscriptions are active for events in any tenant and for system events.The machine provisioning and machine life cycle event topics use the same life cycle schema. The differences are in the triggering states. Machine provisioning receives messages based on provisioning states and events, and machine life cycle receives messages based on active states and events. Some provisioning states include BuildingMachine and Disposing. Some life cycle states include InstallTools and Off.The vRealize Orchestrator parameters are mapped to the event's payload by name and type. The virtual machine custom properties are not included in the event payload unless they are specified as an extensibility custom property for the life cycle state. You can add these properties to IaaSendpoints, reservations, blueprints, requests, and other objects that support custom properties.For example, if you want to include hidden properties and all properties starting with "Virtual" when the virtual machine state is BuildingMachine, you add the custom properties to the machine in the blueprint. The custom property name for this example is Extensibility.Lifecycle.Properties.VMPSMasterWorkflow32.BuildingMachine, and the values are __* andVirtual*, separated by a comma.The double underscore (__*) includes the hidden properties. The Virtual* value includes all properties that begin with virtual. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard and can be used as the only value, but using the wildcard this way results in the transfer of large amounts of data.The custom workflow that you create must have an input parameter that is payload with the type Properties. The provisioning or life cycle event data payload is put in this parameter when the workflow runs in vRealize Orchestrator. You can also include separate input parameters that match the name and the type of the fields in the event's payload.