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1.Two of a Kind.mp3
Well, here it is!  This particular episode is an adaptation of a comic series called Quick & Flupke by the late Belgian artist Hergé (most famous as being the creator of Tintin). The books follow the many misadventures of two boys (Quick, to the left wearing red, and Flupke, wearing green) in a collection of two-page stories. They are, for the most part, unavailable to purchase in the English language; so, for most of the stories we are using, I had to translate them from French myself, so if the dialogue ever seems a bit shoddy (and I hope it doesn't) you know why!

Unlike you'd expect, this week's audio drama is not one continuous story. Like I said above, the books are made up of short two-page adventures. So this episode is composed of nine stories in all, each approximately three minutes in duration. But I hope that doesn't deter from their enjoyment!

One last thing I wanted to say; in one of the stories in this episode, called "Lucky Strike", Quick finds a horseshoe and thinks it will bring him "good luck". Now, I just wanted to say that we are not at all trying to promote the idea of "lucky horseshoes" or "good luck" at all with this story. In fact, the horseshoe brings anything but "good luck" to the little boy, and he says at the end that "lucky horseshoes" are nothing but superstition. So I just wanted it to be made clear that we do not believe in "good luck" or "lucky horseshoes" or what not.