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Chris McMahon - The Audience Experience Part 1 - Flash (Medium) - 20101027 08.18.59AM
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he are because I've given a number of . presentations at conferences but this is the first ever been invited to talk . I'm very very flattered and and pleased and happy about that so I appreciate that very much . um what does the software Tester . home . have an interesting background on If you'd . you may know my work I have done a fair My reading for Best better software magazine for sticky minds for this Q The newsletters home in the last one year I published almost forty individual pieces for a search suffered only the calm . I have to Cover sticky minds right now . cannot . yesterday . the other thing you might have heard about is the last year I ran for the first time . the writing about testing her conference My Little Town of dread of Colorado it was very successful . I announce to see a future that yesterday as well for the second reading about testing us . I'm awfully proud of that . I'm going to talk about . . well are you to talk about art . come but not don't think you're going to believe me I was actually about myself first . Serwer tell you about a little bit where I come from . I did not start working software and Tool was thirty two years old from fact I got my first ever forty hour week a job when I was thirty two years old . um . but my early history . my father was medicated and the monastery . he was to spin people in those high school and college days in a monastery Unknown . Kelley decided not to be among . luckily for me . he went to the universe to taxes to get a PG linguistics . and US interests his career as a professor of German at Emory University . and it's relevant one as areas of expertise for several Is areas of expertise is some . he was at one point to forty on the life of until the time . but more relatively User . international Up Authority on them in is our tradition in Features Europe . Andrew not as a kid whose Austin expert in ancient and medieval music can also perform are . mansion in the old music growing up as a child . add all sorts are crazy instruments through the House Learn to Play rednecks and Shawn's and deal with the Gamboa is the circuit Instance add but Somalis crazy instruments . um . he continues to perform these . today he's actually he plays recorders and age music ensembles and plays for the North Learn program for German Them . the My Mother . well as the young child . my mother Alice Distractions as either for master's degrees are five master's degrees . Unknown . at least three of them are in line with literature . the final one is in counseling psychology said growing up I basically grew up in the back of the graduate school classroom . I pretty much solidity University . two brothers . wrong . one of to a one point was a professional trend toward player . another one of whom was a professional drummer for quite some time . I've been playing music as I said All my life . I started playing baseball I play my May User minister his base of every sort of circling well as fourteen . and when Just days when I was eighteen I was The Allstate Jealous based player in the state of Georgia who was the the best guess was Are Georgia . and um . I was quite a musician . cool home . I like him very much outside . I really was I continued . but instead ago National merit to the scholarship to Rice University . home . and . . I managed to make it through and he was my third semester . when the same week that my scholarship was reduced by eighty percent . I also come on over . withdrew from Rice . and some basic you know I played the blues I really Learn the Blues are live loser's looming poverty was not any fun . twenty Georgia State University for their commercial music program cut as much hands on experience as I possibly could in the physical workings of music studios . the Georgia State . at this point . because I was a child of a faculty member at Emory University I could get free tuitions reviewers twenty five . and I was doing brilliantly I was in the an twenty others Up working towards a degree in English and philosophy with the Conner . concentration on Fauci of art anesthetics and literary crews . at that time the same week I got fired . the woman who later became my first wife became terribly sick . college for the third and final time . so I have no college degree . of about twenty . Be . having blown my chance at a college degree . I decided I would actually become a professional musician . which I did for about a decade . and I'd like to know to just . again this is all going to be relevant . we are but a couple of highlights of my musical career . just a silly that you know that I'm serious . set in nineteen ninety two . I was playing for manager Art Make you . um can you probably don't know Girard had a record label of time in the race or at a record Our Name Your Is record label . in nineteen eighty TUI Open three weeks on the Indigo Girls Matthew Sweet to work . where we had about fourteen shows in every show we are playing for about ten thousand people . and for about half the shows we are standing of nations . from ten thousand people and it's it's quite Inexperienced . if you've ever had I kind of just about curiosity is and whatever happens the new mission from ten thousand people . one thousand . one hundred . awesome edit back soon so it's not . so so yes in all ninety nine two . I was a very stressful time in Georgia with the music business right after that he release the records art Your call the art sale in Wentworth as a kindergarten teacher . because it's really hard when you start playing at the Lowell . we are . I'm I to say this with their own picture theirs for three weeks . we are three young then with . you can see that ours applying bass drum kit in a small corner Them for three weeks through the Midwest completely unsupported . um that was really tough issues or . the logistics were challenging . um after that . I started my own Them from scratch I found a couple guys edit over my guy . and we started touring were so benign Users to an open Dunne's Coast and arm . we took three long six we to result in Colorado Wyoming and back . and um . so . these guys of . . we released a couple the lungs . and judicially the caliber of his down home . there's a very influential music Love in Atlanta Call Davies added . anybody know Atlanta . no . scrub the resented theirs are not back theirs to you have yet Idiot . our wide and Listen New Year's Eve headliner entities edit nineteen ninety five and nineteen ninety six with to reopen New Year's Eve and ninety four . so we have that kind of influence on the southern part to sixteen died in the is this . from . as I said we had started the longer tours of proof of that I was in Atlanta I'm of course . getting longer tours of to Colorado in Wyoming . Unknown . we head to the release to you alums at this point They sold in combination May Be six thousand seven thousand copies to this point . we may have heard all wrong . Allen So . frankly . have a hold and move to Colorado . they're an I quit . this is nineteen eighty six and nineteen eighty six was an awfully good year to quit the music business . Casey falling about um . but the nice it was also a really good year to start working in software . if you do with Antoine was . you could pretty much get a job working in software such hired by a company making library software . imagine what it there . and is touring My St Job was as a librarian at the medical I remember it . and as part of my a compensation package I had an account of the universe the main trend . so this was before Black September everything this was before there are browsers . so I knew Unix Tool for their browsers . I was selling records on the Internet . I was looking tours on the international four there were browsers . from a header friend an MIT Is Media Lab . we which add together with him for between eleven Boston we Help looking to tourism and of the Is coast . so I was quite familiar with the Internet by familiar with units of the time . and this Experience got my foot in the door . I went to work for a library software company and they hired me as a technical writer . and under Swiss . the first two weeks of the job was my Genesis as a software Tester . I was hired to write technical documentation . my first assignment was this one fairly complex Feature . and I began to do the work of documented what this Feature did in Up are sharing an office with a senior programmer named . he . and I got stopped the My Documents a centerpiece . tell me how this works . he says you have any Just ranks of the but the voters are Sure Heidi is that the voter . there which I Tool to like I mean it seems to perfectly logical that if you're going to write about the software . he would watch the software will I'm . right now we to see to it years before I realized how unusual this was . so of the first assignment . there's to die we can have to be saying to my first big there and I turned it in . unlike an hour later the vice president storming into office saying I software doesn't do that . question Sure it does watch . I think everything's or she Job prosecution's Who ships . so Dallas or to my start as a software Tester . on the scene the job for the year by the end of it I was Being top global customer support . I was it e-voting production poohed remotely for clients . there was a crappy that Be could theirs . I was very happy leave home . my next job was very serious and was the foundation for one do about it software I worked in the to nine one one . data validation business as a Tester . this is a sort couldn't do that today is those all mainframe green screen stuff . tons about processing . the code base was Cobalt and see who is very well in generic . I learned a lot about well structured Who in the the voters because in the nine One business there and this is where we were really only two kind of bugs theirs If this User production will someone die . and then there's everything else . and it's really an amazing place to learn to be a software Tester . makes sense . um . . Yoko Call increased remains dreams are Up future . and I've actually left them I've been job hopping ever since two . I'm going to give you a very brief . our line of My Lai software career since then . thank you to mind this is all in for Mosley this wartime doing is deeply deeply informed by by by my background as a professional musician . we learned in the My one business at a major system really is for life critical software doesn't hold a candle to the complex be releasing in NTL . supporting and it's really really quite something . but after that Heidi left to work I use my time will Inexperienced to test a location in June in wireless networks are when you dial star heats up in a connect you to your nearest dominoes . there's a location in GMT in the wireless network that does not edit this very same location in June . that's in play when you come on one . and so I was testing this season I was like the coating is and I want protocols on SS seven Networks UTEP in the heart of these these wireless telecom Things . but this was also in the middle of the wireless telecom blast site of getting to people Job for Up a person's salary with no hope of in the reprieve . an I quit . Bad and For briefly went back two of the Cobalt mainframe world to work on stock market back in the system which was without a doubt the worst today I have ever worked in the My Lai . if you wonder why your stock transactions take three days to process . I can tell you . um . at this point in my career I actually . that opportunity . I live in to wrangle Colorado . which is a beautiful little town in the middle of nowhere . they're almost no tech jobs . home and the tech job to do this pay far less than normal market but I got an awesome job in my field entering go . Tennessee network security video . this is a source They were once was home Depot . and with like five clicks the CEO of Home Depot could see a live video from any . register on any store in the nation . and so we she networks and so I Tool are times about the CPI the networking . this image in our own . all sorts of of hardware and networks to because the mission was a very good . and not long after the company of the acquired right is a higher de . and within a year They started shipping Development Job to Denver in Montreal . and so at that point I saw the writing on the wall . and . I had . obsolete Director There's an interesting to think this is where we're started writing about software . um I wrote a piece My very first published software peace was in two thousand four . for Brian they're trying their to the sun is large . for a piece about . being the beginners for software testing program . most are protesting . our problem . secondly these all my scripts and the ideas written one of these we all know ship to a CD release missing for files of like four thousand eight hundred . so I rule comparisons script to make sure the new files were saying from the from the city released . and of Lantos said . and . I'm immensely proud later on . my only goal in their software became . chapter One of marriage . but every day scripting and Rudy . so I'm actually a character in a book I buy American . thanks to having written that one article . but I knew living in Durango that I would have to have some sort of a national presence some sort of the identity . in the software community . so I wrangled over my way to Boston Workshop on test automation . in Umm . and that left a quarter ounce Cohen's when there are Carlton are two to one . atomic other people have of him I was working of fireworks at the time . and so . I click to edit when Gasol works . living in Durango I work for fireworks that you probably all know Zoller is just scary . followers of the work was great to work with a brilliant although I discover not edit out to be a consultant to travel was brutal travel was really really are . twenty genders Tyrone Mattison and to the power went It's does not find . um . but also when I was the law works . I was . services were mentioning away as well because it's They also is part of what I do . I was the very first User of the water test automation for him Are was the first person to download water and try to get it to do something useful in a production code base . am I a particular Web site was host of Up claims and water to support transit time . so most of the code in water that deals with Raines was Be writing to them a listing . damn I wish this work . Paul Rogers would come back like forty dollars layers of the euro currency . so um I was a lot of fun but it wasn't silent . selenium zero dot one was really so I was around . Jason onions and Bratt and Call Amman and those guys when they were what about the releases on a one to zero to one . which is a very interesting story an immaterial . someone needs to write a book . frankly about these days about the early days the water and slam . and followed to be a fascinating story . . so I have since turned . I've been a dedicated television User . particularly on actual teams . I've had for telecommuting jobs . two of the more Schobel two of them were possible . I'm in the second awesome one right now . um . and Heidi at least in the testing world or I'm It's recognizes something of an authority Primeau working in telecommuting . from bomb one of of me in the police are worked together social Texan . um . we both throughout about it . telecommuting jobs I was for e-mail marketing company Dong They e-mail marketing They have a war the Bush campaign is . the massive massive amounts of the Middle It's insane don't to handle Kinky Friedman's campaign for Texas governor in a The Kings are . um after that I work for social Text . with moisture . also Context makes enterprise with ease and social networking Help occasions and brilliant brilliant occasions . um . I will also leave the when the economy would suffer They laid me off along with number of people was really sad about that but they're very classy against them . a big thumbs up for handling the very well . I worked briefly for a HR company in Florida at least a Christian and I were hired at the same time that you know Lisa . we both ran screaming from the room six months later because the world are but wanted Goodwin . Palm today I work for a company called forty two lines . we owe to tee Development shop very kind like atomic object except we only have one client right now . the client is the Academy of Art University and Stephen Cisco . we have been peaceful course where application for them . on They have about five thousand six thousand students edit I'm eighty one thousand two thousand instructors . we also do some payroll for them we do all sorts of things that Double running a major art University . and since become really really interested in Users parents Features . this is eye candy radar are Users our artists . so we have to have these great visuals we have video and audio and pictures and the billion Amar Cup . our various aspects of artistic work of students . um . and we really have to deliver a great User Experience because these artists are going to see Notes on a if it doesn't look as well as work . it's been fascinating fascinating work . it's fairly new to me as I said my background is . D and . you know Maine frames . networks PPI stuff like that and in this User Experience has been a lot of fun to learn . um . we're almost to the media of this part of the stock almost . I mentioned . I guess I didn't mention it meant to mention that in the testing community in the national community at large . I have this idea that have a reputation as being kind of eccentric . the radical ally Are was a strange ideas and theirs are coming up . and some of the reasons for that . is that . one of the Austin Worth often does automation conferences . I gave the of my team talk . from . that was . as I said are My background is in Wary Prison criticism and paucity of art by lightning touch theirs is like the others is we're a critical framework in the mid sixties popular in the mid sixties called the new criticism . and in five minutes I'd briefly . you believe criticism . as indelible Tool to describe the quality of software . it's a really in strategy because they're the new criticism It's a brilliant example . the new criticism only has three criteria by which to value while quality which is unity Complexity and variety . and if you consider your software in light of these three . qualities unity Complexity and variety using the techniques of you . new criticism . find out some really interesting there . um . talk about that just in a little bit longer . um . in two thousand seven . I was gonna make It is it too . Barry are now starting to lose of the Anderson about this and we've been talking about . the role of programming and tougher testing . federal testing and software programming . and we came up with this idea of having a conference . we work on it the Tester developer developer Tester conference . and we got Larry Robinson interested in Harry Reid of is to Tool . and there we go on interest when you when you host a conference that Tool . people turn up we had like under fifty all . the conference will I mean talk I gave a lightning Thoughts . somebody give for you now . something that I was listening to a lot of don't they see an elephant's Gerald They worked together a lot . and earlier career . and both really brilliant brilliant people that I was saying there that I was also thinking of the same time about how the tools for software testing . always lacked the tools for suffered Development the few things that water selenium you that the tools available for Your Level to see how nothing like Power of an ID or some of the development tools are available . so I was thinking was that that you might not have a voice like no Fitzgerald's then you might not have a Steinway grand piano in . you might to sell a to forty six Euro software Tester did . and you might only have a green you clearly that you call from Colorado . but you can do something like . among those are the visitors who lives in raisins . the you were automatically . no I meaningless . these Who things . you . taking piano . . I . the Sooners Things . we love you . so you couldn't even walk or Tools for Schools . you can still do something that doesn't arguably stock . but it's awful hard to sell tickets and has gotten enormous invasion from the from the developers investors in the room . but it didn't do these things for my reputation as a series you've been . on the speaking of being a serious human being calm . I are . mighty lightning top in the new criticism from an software or an IRA expanded is greatly . but in some other literary critical frameworks . now I also discussed some of the Pentagon he of teaching techniques that I had found from road car for Robert For . and I rolled this ought to do in to this scholarly paper this to really be highly research paper . men submitted to the conference room Association of software testing . in two thousand eight Benny was rejected . I'm . most is a big fan so I'm not sure I have not been to cast and I don't have the judgment that home . the EEG I think they're wealthier than they pretended Be . the are armed in any way that paper does exist . and continues to get comments It's very strange it was all a publisher Tom Adlai Want rejected two thousand eight . and it's I still think of the dollar we're still not agree with all of that completely . of . but I've been working in this I got in on some of us an example of someone thinking Just the is the same way the other day there's a . her namesake Irvine has . I don't know Wary was but they Be Netherlands to his Test side story on quitter . um . OK what are Be of the close today where he took . as an example to the there is a of very well known French philosopher named on Job carried out who's famous for a literary critical framework on the construction . and Mr Dunne is that Idiot really an example of the construction of the to he's in against a photograph . but his Context was in describing it doing it in software . so I'm hearing more and more people thinking along these away so I'm not feeling . nearly as alone as I used to feel . home . . going I think this is a good time for breaks were questioned strafing like that I'm going to do some . I'm going to really talk about software . coming up but what I wanted you to really take me serious when I got there . Tuesday What have any questions at this point . yes sir . I got no plan . let's go there . age . it is . it's Friedman's . users . . users . on our hopes . so wished . this is . Oh my presentation until two thousand nine . who was on him . the designed of you I will Tarts . I think they have a really important role along the can . check this edit . right . the meeting him and I was to check is that it's . that is you know is the bottom turns from a smooth glued to a blinking Job trees start May test is not ever tell that Great . so what it does tell you is that they can keep an eye on things when you look at some URLs . Amen to that . we're to that extent you need to do their there is always to Design view our little test critically browser test that navigate pass through the application in a way of . said that when there is a failure mean it's is minimal . such that when there is a failure it's a significant failure on their part deftly approaches that can be taken and I think almost no one . one . we did well in Social test . and we're doing a well we're we're now home . and of . this is also do this is the ongoing discussion frankly among among a lot of us suffer test community how to do did . what is it that makes a well designed you I will . s automation sweep from I believe they can be done well . I have done it well myself . it's terribly hard to explain . D which also comes up in the later farmers are . um . the other questions . the sense . with take five .