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eRX- pediatric dosing - Flash (Large) - 20110404 05.33.19PM
  1. Pediatric dosing
  2. Principles
  3. Principles
  4. Principles
  5. Dosing by Weight
  6. Example
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and use of Dose Calculators Adults and children come in a variety of sizesA typical child is born at 7lbs (3 KG) and and may grow to 150lbs (70 KG)or much morePrescribing for children must be individualized Dosing by WeightDosing by Body Surface Area Babies can’t swallow pillsSuspensions and solutions (liquids) tend to be standard for oral preparations Medication (mg)/child weight (Kg)/day or dose (often a range) Child weight may need conversion lb to kgMedication strength mg/mlMedication may come in different concentrations (250mg/5ml, 500mg/ 5ml)Dose may need to be divided by frequency A 4 month old weighing 14 lbs has severe reflux disease and you decide to give ranitidine.14lb = 6.35 kg (1kg= 2.2lbs)Typical dose 5-10mg/kg/day Frequency divided Q 12 hoursRanitidine comes in 15mg/mlIf we use 7.5mg/kg per day that results in1.59 ml (range 1-2ml) by mouth every 12 hours