click to play button
click to replay button
Responses to 'Other Concerns', and different displays and comparisions of OC data
  1. Intorduction
  2. Connect Excel and BCFPI
  3. Form filters not needed
  4. Filter on Enrolment status
  5. Status = Referred
  6. Filter on Enrolment date
  7. Referral date = 2009
  8. OC Questions to rows
  9. De-select Calculations
  10. Find OC items
  11. Select OC items
  12. Skip mutism details
  13. Finish OC items
  14. Expand Questions to display
  15. Display client count
  16. Find Answers
  17. Answers to Columns
  18. Eliminate unwanted totals
  19. Insert stacked bar graph
  20. Abbreviate OC item names
  21. Provider as filter
  22. Provider = BC
  23. 2009 BC data
  24. Compare BC and Ontario
  25. Change Provider-Item order
  26. Hide field list
  27. Compare BC -California
  28. BC 2009 only
  29. Simplfied with BC as filter
  30. Group BC OC by date
  31. 2005,6,7
  32. 2007 only
  33. 2007 providers
  34. BC all years
  35. Group by Interview age
  36. Teens, pre-teens
  37. BC all years
00:00 / 00:00
Drag Enrolment Status to filter zone Set Status = Referred Drag Status Date To filter zone Set Status Date = 2009 Find and drag Interview A Questions and
Calculations to row zone
De-select Calculations and select all Other
Concern Items (Items are listed in order they
appear on forms, starting with Parent Form)
Skip the detailed Mutism items, unless needed
for current report
Finish selecting OC items Expand ('+') Questions to show the list you've
Select the display value... client count Find and Select how clients are to be counted...
in this example, based on how many have
specific answers to each OC item
I've dragged Interview Answer A to columns zone,
and count of clients giving specific answers, if
asked, is tabulated for each OC item
Eliminate unwanted totals Select data for graph Insert a Stacked Bar Graph From this point I'm using Excel to experiment
with different views, filters, comparisons and
grouping, until I find the most useful view
I'm overwriting the displayed OC labels with
shorter versions which will fit my report space
I want to restrict my initial view to 2009 OC data
re provider = agency 'British Columbia'
I drag Service Provider to the filter zone and I select Provider = British Columbia I now have 2009 OC data for BC I want to compare BC and California, so I drag
Provider from the filter zone to the row zone
I can now select agencies on the graph... I
select BC and California...
All OC's are displayed within agency A, then
agency B; I want to see each OC compared X
All OC's are displayed within agency A, then
agency B; I want to see each OC compared X
.. so I change the order in the row zone so that
OC will be first and agency 2nd
The display is too crowded So I hide the Field list and enlarge the graph and move it to the bottom of my work area... and move it to the bottom of my work area... I can now visually compare BC and California's
2009 OC responses
Now I de-select California to view BC results
more closely...
I click in the table, then click 'Show Field list' so
I can access fields to manipulate them further...
I drag Provider from row zone to filter zone... And my graph is simplifed to show BC results
I open the Field list again, and drag Status date
to Row zone
The OC reults are divided by year, with most
recorded in 2006-9
I see that the graph for 2004 -11 is difficult to
so I click on a date in then in 'Row labels' select
3 years I want to compare
I hide the field list and look for any annual trends
or anomalies...
I've dragged Date back to the filter zone and am
re-setting it to 2007
I've dragged Date back to the filter zone and am
re-setting it to 2007
Now I look at 2007 OC data for different
Now I look at 2007 OC data for different
And now, for BC, I'll look at different years and
the total for all years...
And now, for BC, I'll look at different years and
the total for all years...
I find Interview age-Age group and drag it to row
zone to group all of the OC results by child
I select teens and pre-teens ... and hide the Field list so I have more space
to examine the age-grouped results
And finally, re-set my display to show all BC OC