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Generation Control
  1. Generation Dispatch
  2. Slide 2
  3. Valley Forge Control Room
  4. Milford Control Room
  5. Dispatch Functions
  6. Shift Supervisor
  7. Generation System Operator
  8. Generation System Operator
  9. Master Coordinator
  10. Achieving Energy Balance
  11. What Affects Load (Customer Demand)
  12. Load Curve Summer Profile
  13. Load Curve Winter Profile
  14. RTO Load Graph
  15. Load Graph for Transmission Zone
  16. ACE Graph
  17. Load Graph for Transmission Zone
  18. ACE Graph
  19. Economic Generation Control
  20. Resource Information
  21. Offers Received from Resources
  22. Offers Sorted in Increasing Order
  23. Supply Cleared to Meet Demand
  24. Resources Scheduled to Meet Demand
  25. Events That Take Place
  26. Additional Reserves
  27. Slide 24
  28. Slide 25
  29. Slide 26
  30. Slide 27
  31. Summary
  32. Slide 29
  33. Slide 30
  34. Generation System Operator
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Generation Dispatch 06/25/13 1 PJM©2013 Describe the Generation Dispatch, Master Coordinator and Shift Supervisor functions in the PJM control room Identify what affects load on the electric system Describe the difference between summer and winter load curves Describe economic generation and how PJM stacks it to meet the forecasted load 06/25/13 2 PJM©2013 C:\Users\carlj\Desktop\Control Center Pics\P6030035.JPG Master Coordinator Shift Supervisor Generation System Operator Reliability Engineer Power/Transmission System Operator Power/Transmission System Operator Valley Forge Control Room 06/25/13 3 PJM©2013 Milford Control Room 06/25/13 4 PJM©2013 Dispatch Functions Ensure sufficient generation is available or running to satisfy the demand at any hour of the day including maintaining adequate reserves - This is called Generation Control Monitor, operate and control the high voltage transmission system in a reliable manner - This is called Transmission Control 06/25/13 5 PJM©2013 Shift Supervisor Oversee Complete Operation Communications with Governmental Authorities Reliability Authority Personnel Issues C:\Users\hokem\Downloads\stick_figure_cliff_vision_800_clr_4133.png 06/25/13 6 PJM©2013 Generation System Operator Maintain System Control Generation / Demand Balance Generation System Operator Maintain System Control Generation / Demand Balance Maintain Adequate Reserves Operate on Contingency Basis Implement Emergency Procedures To Keep the Lights on! Synchronized Reserve/Regulation Market Clear Market Administer real-time optimization C:\Users\hokem\Downloads\secretary_working_at_desk_400_clr_7540 .png 06/25/13 7 PJM©2013 To Keep the Lights on! Synchronized Reserve/Regulation Market Clear Market Administer real-time optimization C:\Users\hokem\Downloads\secretary_working_at_desk_400_clr_7540 .png 06/25/13 7 PJM©2013 Master Coordinator Load Forecast Weather Directs scheduling of Generating Units Load & Reserve Requirements Capacity Tracking Supports PJM Oasis for energy scheduling process Tracks External Interchange C:\Users\hokem\Downloads\market _trader_analyzing_400_clr_7539.png 06/25/13 8 PJM©2013 Achieving Energy Balance Power & Imports Demand & Exports & Losses 62 61 60 59 58 Frequency in Hz 06/25/13 9 PJM©2013 What Affects Load (Customer Demand)? Weather Temperature Dew point Wind speed Clouds Time of day Season Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Human behavior \\pjmdom01\shares\home\hokem\My Documents\Presentation Clipart\snow_flake_arrow_design _400_clr_6941.png \\pjmdom01\shares\home\hokem\My Documents\Presentation Clipart\hot_summer_sun_800_clr_8704.png \\pjmdom01\shares\home\hokem\My Documents\Presentation Clipart\standing_with_the_news_800_clr_7509.png 06/25/13 10 PJM©2013 Load Curve Summer Profile Long, gradual rise Significant persistence 2+ hour drop off 06/25/13 11 PJM©2013 Load Curve Winter Profile Steep morning pickup ~ 3-hour evening peak period Steep drop off at night 06/25/13 12 PJM©2013 RTO Load Graph 06/25/13 13 PJM©2013 Load Graph for Transmission Zone 06/25/13 14 PJM©2013 ACE Graph 0-Line ACE Screen shot midnight to seven.JPG 06/25/13 15 PJM©2013 Load Graph for Transmission Zone 06/25/13 14 PJM©2013 ACE Graph 0-Line ACE Screen shot midnight to seven.JPG 06/25/13 15 PJM©2013 Economic Generation Control Purpose is to ensure that the least cost generation is used to satisfy demand Enables power system to follow load as it moves from valley, to peak, to valley over a 24-hour period Adjustments are allocated to generating units to optimize economy s-chart-element-preview-by-dragonart.png?w=495&h=426 06/25/13 16 PJM©2013 g PJM101 Resource Information Resource Availability Resource Operating Constraints Notification requirements Min run time Environmental restrictions Offer Curves Start-up and no-load costs Hydro Schedules 06/25/13 17 PJM©2013 Offers Received from Resources 25MW @ $15 40MW @$5 15MW @$25 10MW @$30 20MW @$10 zedDeploymento_D5F8/CLIPART_OF_31975_SMJPG_2.jpg 06/25/13 18 PJM©2013 Offers Sorted in Increasing Order 125MW @$50 150MW @$25 175MW @$20 195MW @$10 100 MW @ $90 5 Offers 10 Offers 15 Offers 20 Offers 30 Offers http://www.konkurrencestyrelsen. dk/uploads/RTEmagicC_imported_14471_s023.gif 06/25/13 19 PJM©2013 Supply Cleared to Meet Demand $??? $35 $25 $15 Forecasted Energy Demand 100,000 MW \\pjmdom01\shares\home\hokem\My Documents\Presentation Clipart\city_downtown_buildings _800_clr_4159.png \\pjmdom01\shares\home\hokem\My Documents\Presentation Clipart\apples_to_oranges_400_clr_5502.png \\pjmdom01\shares\home\hokem\My Documents\Presentation Clipart\factory_building_smoke_stack_800_clr_3948.png 06/25/13 20 PJM©2013 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $10 $5 $50 Resources Scheduled to Meet Demand Load (MW) 06/25/13 21 PJM©2013 Events That Take Place Units trip Units are delayed Contract Curtailments Weather Emergency Procedures C:\Users\hokem\Downloads\explosion_500_clr_8784.gif 06/25/13 22 PJM©2013 Additional Reserves Schedule PJM System to ensure that there is enough generation resources to cover projected load and required reserves 06/25/13 23 PJM©2013 Day-Ahead Scheduling (Operating) Reserve (T 30 Min) Contingency (Primary) Reserve (T 10 Min) Synchronized Reserve (Synchronized) Non-Synchronized Reserve (Off-Line) Secondary Reserve (10 Min T 30 Min) T = Time Interval Following PJM Request C:\Users\hokem\Downloads\back_and_forth_questions_500_clr_8159.gif 06/25/13 24 PJM©2013 PJM dispatches supply resources in what order to meet customer demand? Highest to Lowest Cost Randomly Size Lowest to highest Cost 06/25/13 25 PJM©2013 If supply slightly exceeds demand, what will system frequency be? Less than 60 Hz 60 Hz Greater than 60 Hz 1.21 Giga-watts mages/back_to_the_future.jpg&imgrefurl= jeMtFaN-zsyfSrKlF2o0=&h=432&w=504&sz=20&hl=en&start=4&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=zISLtL19hmd9KM:&tbnh=111 &tbnw=130&prev=/images?q=back+to+the+future&um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch:1 future.jpg 06/25/13 26 PJM©2013 The winter load shape in PJM is characterized by two peaks True False mages/bactrian-camels.jpg 06/25/13 27 PJM©2013 Summary Describe the Generation Dispatch, Master Coordinator and Shift Supervisor functions in the PJM control room Identify what affects load on the electric system Describe the difference between summer and winter load curves Describe economic generation and how PJM stacks it to meet the forecasted load 06/25/13 PJM©2013 28 06/25/13 29 PJM©2013 PJM. (2012). PJM Manual 12: Balancing Operations. Retrieved from: PJM. (2013). PJM Manual 11: Energy and Ancillary Services Market Operations. Retrieved from: ments/manuals/m11.ashx 06/25/13 30 PJM©2013 Generation System Operator Maintain System Control Generation / Demand Balance Maintain Adequate Reserves Operate on Contingency Basis Implement Emergency Procedures To Keep the Lights on! Synchronized Reserve/Regulation Market Clear Market Administer real-time optimization C:\Users\hokem\Downloads\secretary_working_at_desk_400_clr_7540 .png 06/25/13 7 PJM©2013