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Campus Pack Collaboration Space Overview - Flash (Large) - 20110915 01.34.10PM
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    This is an overview of the Campus Pack Collaboration Space. This space is a repository of links to all Campus Pack tools within the course. Both students and instructors can access the Campus Collaboration Space. Instructors can use this space to manage Campus Pack content. Whenever you work with Campus Pack tools, it is a good idea to synchronize the course. From the Control Panel, click 'Course Tools.' And then, 'Manage Campus Pack.' Here is a link to synchronize the course; click the link. It might take a few moments... Here we see that the synchronization is done. To access the Campus Pack Collaboration Space, click 'Tools' in the Course Menu. Then, click 'Campus Pack Collaboration Space.' Here we are in the space. You can see that there are areas here called 'Portlets.' These are the members of the course. There is an instructor and two students. You can see a list of the latest activity in any of the Campus Pack tools here (portlet on left). If there was content shared with a group it would be here (portlet on bottom). Here is the list of all the content; (portlet on right) the Campus Pack content in this course now and in the past. You can add some functionality to the page by adding another Portlet. Click 'Add Portlet.' You can add a variety of different features, a Twitter feed, an RSS feed, and so on. To demonstrate this I'll add a clock. Click 'Clock' and then 'Add.' Here we can see the clock on the page. You can also click 'Delete' in the title bar, and delete it if you change your mind. Here we see it is gone. If you want to manage the content in the Content Portlet, you can click the 'Manage Content' link at the top. It sometimes takes a moment. Here we are (finally) at the 'Manage Content' page. For each of these tools, you could view the amount of usage, you can view attachments that would be there, in this case a Blog, you can explort the tool, and here is a link to delete any of these tools. Click 'Go Back.' In the 'Content' Portlet here you could also add a tool by clicking 'Add Content' then choosing a blog, a wiki or a journal, and and entering the information much as you would from the 'Add Interactive Tool' menu in your course. The issue with adding content here in the Collaboration Space is is that if you do that, you won't have a link to that content back to your course. You'd have to place a link to this content back to your course. So I'm not going show adding content here, I'd suggest if you want to add a blog, wiki, or journal, you do it from the 'Add Interactive Tool' menu in your course. Here we see Campus Pack Blog, Wiki or Journal. This way the tool will be linked, It will appear in the Campus Pack Collaboration Space and it will also be linked to your course.