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Setting Availability Options for Content Items - Flash (Large) - 20110523 11.51.07AM
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    Instructors can set availability options for course weeks, folders and items. This demonstration shows how to make a week available to your students immediately or on a future date. A few notes about availability, Instructors cannot set availability for an entire course. The first two weeks of a course are made available by NU Online on the first day of the course. Instructors DO NOT NEED to set availability for the first two weeks. Although instructors see the first two weeks in their course as available before the start of the course, students cannot. Do not change availability for the first two weeks of your course. Instructors are required to make the current and upcoming weeks available throughout the course. Make sure students always have access to the current week, past weeks and the next week. You may want to set folders to open automatically by a certain date. All items within a week's folder become available according to the week folder's setting. It is best practice to set availability for an entire week, not individual items within the week. Here we are in the 'Course Materials' section of a course; first make sure that it Mode is ON. You can see that weeks 1 and 2 are available; they are not grayed out, you can see the yellow folders, whereas Weeks 3 through 6 are not available. It states 'Item is not available' and the folder is grayed out. To make Week 3 available, click the down arrows next to its title and click 'Edit.' Scroll down to section 3 'Options' and click 'Permit Users to View this Content." Click 'Yes.' You can see that Week 3 is now available. Another thing that you can do is to set a week to become available at a future date. Click the down arrow next to Week 4, and scroll down to availability options. This time, I'm going to check to display after a certain date. Make (click calendar) 'Display After' the 27th of this month and, 'Display Until' (click calendar) a day in the following month. Click 'Submit.' Now you can see that your item is not available, but it will automatically become available according to your availability settings. If you want to set availability options for an item within a folder, you would follow the same procedure. But, it's best practice to set availability for the root folder in Course Materials. Let's say in this case, we didn't want to reveal the Assignments for this week until later in the week. We can select 'Edit' and either check 'No' for 'Permit Users to View this Content' or set availability dates for this particular item. Click Submit. We see that the item is no longer available, the success message indicates that the Assignments folder has been edited.