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ePs Getting Started - Flash (Large) - 20120106 12.18.41PM
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    In this video you'll learn three different things. First, how to create a brand new portfolio. Second, how to apply a template to that portfolio, And third, how to adjust permission so that certain people can see your portfolio. The first step is to log in to Digication. Once you've logged in, you'll see 'My e-portfolios.' Now I happen to have a bunch that are already created. But in this case, I'm going to create a new one. So on the right hand side, you'll see the 'Create' button. Click that button and the first thing you're asked is what the title of your portfolio ought to be. so we're going to call this practice portfolio. As you can see down here, this is the web address for this particular portfolio. If I wanted to customize this a little bit further, in other words, if I wanted to give this a more descriptive name, at the very end of this URL, I could click 'Edit,' and I could say: allisonpractice. As long as that URL is available in the system, meaning as long as no one else has taken that URL, it will accept it and allow you to change it. The next step is going to be to apply a template. You have a few different options. If your instructor has told you to use a specific portfolio that he or she has created, then you'll want to, at this time, find that portfolio in the list, and the instructor will have told you what the name of the portfolio template is, so let's say in this instance, it's the NEU MAT template. for special education. I'm going to click on that template, and that will then apply the template once I create the portfolio. if you haven't been instructed by your teacher to apply a specific template, then you can go ahead and create your template from scratch. so depending on what your instructor has told you to do, either choose to apply a specific template here, or create your template from scratch. The next thing you're going to do as you're setting up your new portfolio, is to determine who you want to be able to see this portfolio. You have a couple of different options here. The first option is to have it be private--just to you--so only you can see it. Second option is to have it be private within the University. So in other words anyone with a myNEU account who is active in the Northeastern system would be able to search for your portfolio and find it. The third option is to make it public, meaning there are no restrictions; anyone who has the URL can see your portfolio. And then there's the option to elect to have custom permissions. So what you can do is you can make it private, just to you but you can invite (or add) only certain people to view it. So let's say for example you want your instructor to be able to see it. So if your instructor is Professor Prior, you can type his name into the field, and he should come up in the list. and choose him. And as you can see here, then he is added as an additional viewer to the portfolio. You can even choose a different role for him; if you want him to the more than just a viewer, if you want him to have the ability to edit your portfolio, publish changes to your portfolio, you can do that as well. In most cases you'll want to have the people you add simply as 'viewers.' So at this point I'm going to click the 'Create new e-portfolio' and I have a brand new portfolio that I can start building. END.