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Building Physics 01-Indoor Environmental Quality_August 7.mp4
Chair: Fred Bauman


Applications of Whole-building Energy, Airflow and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Modeling using Co-simulation
Li Xiwang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Identifying a Suitable Climate File for the Moisture Risk Assessment of Internally Insulated Walls Exposed to Solar-Driven Vapour Diffusion
Valentina Marincioni, University College London, UK

Mould Growth Assessment of Internally Insulated Advanced Envelopes: A Parametric Study and the Notion of the Multi-variable Design-assessment Charts
Marina Stipetic, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Modelling Indoor Environmental Quality in Low Energy Housing
Maria del Carmen Bocanegra-Yanez, University of Strathclyde, UK

Dynamic Physical Model to Predict the Performance of a Solar Chimney in a Warm-Humid Climate with Different Absorbed Materials
Andrea Lobato-Cordero, Instituto Nacional de Eficiencia Energética y Energías Renovables,
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