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ePrescribing_External Rx History
  1. External Rx History
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If the RX History Patient Consent box displays
when you click External RX History, you may
go ahead and select Consent Granted.
The standardized consent, that all patients sign
upon arrival for care allows for us to access this
There is no need to ask the patient to give us
consent again.
This box will only display the very first time that
you access the External Rx History feature for
the patient.
After patient consent is documented; you may
view patient’s prescription history.
The information that will be displayed is being
pulled from 2 different locations, the first being
based on claims that were paid by the patient’s
prescription plan, the second will capture data
filled outside of the patient's insurance.
You may see duplicates due to information
being pulled from 2 sources.
The provider or nurse can add a med that is
displayed under the External Rx History button,
to Meds by HX, by simply right-clicking
and selecting Convert to Documented Med, and
completing the remaining steps.
DO NOT use convert existing SIG.