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Accessibility Simulation
  1. Title Clip 1
  2. Accessibility Simulation
  3. Accessibility Overview
  4. Purpose
  5. Low Vision Simulation
  6. Blindness Simulation
  7. WebAIM Screen Reader
  8. Reflection - Vision
  9. Mobility Impairment
  10. Reflection - Mobility
  11. Summary
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Accessibility Simulation Mark DuBois WOW, Director of Education Accessibility Overview Vision Color blind Macular Degeneration Cataracts Glaucoma Blindness Sound Cognitive Motion More Purpose Help you better understand how some experience the WWW You will be given a series of simple tasks Try to complete them using the specified tool Take a few notes Don’t forget to record your level of frustration Reflect on your efforts Low Vision Simulation Visit Requires Adobe Shockwave plug-in (might have to install) Follow instructions to complete each task Pause presentation here and complete at least task 1 Blindness Simulation Choose one of following tools WebAnywhere - WebAIM Screen Reader Simulation - (next slide) Will be visiting University of Antarctica again Task find last name of founder of U of A Pause presentation after next slide WebAIM Screen Reader You are at the site obviously can’t see it Reflection - Vision Vision difficulties How easily did you complete your assigned tasks If you are in a group, discuss your insights Ideas on how web pages might be improved Mobility Impairment Some individuals have limited use of their hands Must rely on single finger or mouth stick Setup Mouse must be “casters up” Use only a single finger to navigate the site Use only tab, page up, page down, arrow and enter keys Task Visit and locate the latest news about the BP Gulf oil spill (not a sponsored link) Reflection - Mobility Mobility difficulties How easily did you complete your assigned task If you are in a group, discuss your insights Ideas on how web pages might be improved Summary Hope you have a better understanding of what some individuals face every day Haven’t even covered issues like cognitive difficulties Many aspects to web accessibility There are ways to make web pages more accessible Several WOW courses (and others)