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Reading a Scientific Paper - Tips for Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration
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    Jeff McAllister: Welcome. I'd like to thank you for attending this NIDA
    International Program Webinar,
    "Reading a Scientific Paper: Tips for Cross-
    Disciplinary Collaboration".
    Our presenter today is Mr. Barrett Whitener. For more than 15 years Mr. Whitener has
    trained professionals in science, healthcare,
    and public policy to become effective
    He has led workshops on presentation skills
    for postdoctoral fellows, senior researchers,
    and administrators throughout the National
    Institutes of Health;
    the National Aeronautics and Space
    Administration; Cornell University;
    Gates Millennium Scholars; Compact for
    Faculty Diversity; Center for Strategic
    and International Studies; World Resources
    Institute; and many others.
    He is also coauthor of the book, Speaking
    About Science: A Manual for Creating Clear
    It is my pleasure now to turn it over to our
    presenter, Mr. Barrett Whitener.
    Barrett Whitener: Thank you, Jeff. And welcome everybody. It's great to have you join us today or tonight,
    depending on where you are in the world,
    to learn a little bit about some tips for reading
    scientific papers.
    And the aspect of -- or the rationale -- for
    reading scientific papers I want to focus
    on in this webinar is the role it can play in
    helping you with finding collaborators
    or potential collaborators for your research. I'm sure you don't need help in how to read a
    paper, but when you think about reading a
    with that particular goal in mind, then there
    may be some specific steps
    that I hope you'll find helpful that we'll discuss
    That's because obviously you're going to often
    need to collaborate with other researchers
    who are outside your specialty, and yet I think it
    can be challenging sometimes to decide
    on who the most promising collaborator is
    going to be -- even when you're reading their
    So I think if you know some signs to look for in
    the published study that you're reading,
    it can increase the odds of a fruitful
    and one that you are glad you embarked on. So today we're going to examine some of the
    most important signs I think you can look
    at in each part of a study as you're thinking, "Is
    this author, lead author,
    perhaps somebody I'm going to want to think
    about collaborating with in the future?"
    Now, of course what we're going to talk about
    today will also help you
    in writing your papers more effectively, too. And in fact, many of you I'm sure attended last
    week's webinar on writing a scientific paper.
    That's going to be posted on the NIDA IP
    website in a couple of weeks.
    And this webinar will be posted as well. But if you didn't attend the Writing a Scientific
    Paper webinar,
    don't worry because I'm not going to be
    referring back to that except once.
    You don't need to have seen that webinar to get
    anything on today's webinar.
    So the difference about today's is we're taking
    the perspective of the reader,
    of course, as opposed to the writer. But we're also going to go through a paper
    section by section and check
    for key elements for you to look for in each one. Now, a word or two about myself. I'm not a scientist but I am a communications
    expert who has worked
    in the scientific field for about 20 years. Jeff mentioned some of the places that I've
    and I've helped folks design both
    presentations, posters, and also helped with
    paper writing
    for scientists in a variety of fields and basically
    to communicate more effectively in all of those
    So let's start with what we think clear writing
    It means many things, some we discussed
    last week but today I want to focus on the idea
    that clear scientific writing is a great mirror for
    clear scientific thinking.
    And that's to say that good scientific writing
    doesn't only describe what happened
    and truthfully, it also describes it clearly, that is
    at every point the reader --
    that's you in this case, for today's webinar the
    reader is you --
    you want to know what's being described. You want to know how what's being described
    fits into the larger story of the writer's project.
    So when you read a paper, if you repeatedly
    find yourself wondering exactly what the writer
    when they describe, say, the goal of the study,
    the method, a finding, or what a chart
    or figure is showing and why, you may begin to
    if the writer's scientific thinking is very clear,
    And that makes sense, I think, because the
    words on the page or the screen are really all
    we have
    to go by in those situations; that's all we have
    to base our judgment on.
    But if you do find yourself wondering repeatedly
    what's being described in the paper
    or its significance and the significance is a very
    important part, the why factor --
    why something is being described, why it plays
    this part in the experimentation
    or the story being told in the paper -- then I
    would suggest that you read other papers
    by the same author and see if it's a recurrent
    problem in a number
    of papers, even in different journals. Because then you'll want to note especially
    who the lead author is since he
    or she can be considered primarily
    for the overall continuity and clarity of the paper. And if you see that name associated with
    several papers where the reasoning is very
    the writing is very clear, then terrific -- that might
    be someone you want to consider pursuing
    as a possible collaborator or at least speaking
    So today, again, we're going to examine each
    element and section of the study for clues
    that you can search for, clues for the clarity of
    the writer's thoughts and the process.
    So let's start right now with the title. Some things that I think we as readers want to
    ask ourselves when we look at the title
    of the paper are: Is the title related to the
    research question of the study?
    Sometimes it is, sometimes oddly enough it
    It seems to address what in the paper at least
    looks like a secondary issue
    or sometimes even just the order of the title --
    what's in the main title,
    which is the subtitle -- can be a little different in
    the priorities it reflects compared
    to the research question or to material in the
    So look at that. You also want to see if the title reveals what's
    what's new about what the research is
    And of course, you want to make sure that the
    title matches the findings of the paper.
    Now, something I didn't put on the slide but
    also applies to the title,
    I think title should also identify the study
    population, people versus rodents for
    Or say if it's a unique population such as a
    specific age group or a group
    from a particular geographic area. And the title might also mention any unique
    measurement methods that the study used --
    doesn't have to do all those things obviously. But if any of that material is relevant to the
    the title might be a good place to suggest it. Those of you who heard my webinars last year
    about presentations may remember that I think
    that the purpose of a paper title is very different from the purpose of a title for a talk. So in a paper title there's room to get in a fair
    amount of this information.
    And in any event, you want to make sure that
    what is featured as is being most important
    by virtue of being in the title is what also
    seems to be most important in the actual
    Moving on, let's look at the abstracts of what
    are some clues you want to look for here.
    First of all, you want to make sure that the
    abstract represents each section of the paper,
    from methods through results and discussion, that includes the key finding, example for
    You also want to make sure that the research
    in the abstract is clear, reasonable, and
    And by "reasonable" I mean is it something
    that can be answered
    in the amount of space that the paper takes? Or does it seem to be, for example, a research
    that would take several papers to answer? Or a book even? You also want to make sure that the
    conclusions follow from the research question.
    So let's look at an example of some material
    from an abstract and see how well we think it --
    this example -- demonstrates these qualities
    in action.
    Because I think it can be a little trickier than it
    might as first seem to make sure
    that an abstract is actually doing all of these
    So this is one paragraph from an abstract. Read that one, please. And that obviously is the main research
    question from the abstract.
    Now I'm going to put up a second paragraph
    that's the main result from the same abstract.
    So look at those together and see if you think
    the second paragraph follows clearly
    from the first paragraph. And you may be coming to the conclusion that,
    well, it does to an extent at least,
    but maybe it could be a little bit clearer that the result is actually addressing the
    research question.
    It's clearly addressing the general subjects of
    the research question.
    But whether it's addressing the specific
    research question that's just been laid
    out in the abstract in the first paragraph might
    not be as clear.
    And I think that may simply be because some
    terminology is different in the two paragraphs.
    You'll see the ones I've highlighted in red here
    in the first and second paragraph actually refer
    to the same group but they use different
    verbiage to describe it.
    Same with the green highlights in the first and
    second paragraph.
    So it's simply a matter, I think, in this writer's case they could simply use the
    same exact terminology
    as in this second paragraph as they use in the
    first paragraph.
    And then it becomes absolutely clear that the findings follow directly from the
    research question.
    Now, if you see something that looks like the
    previous not ideal example like this one,
    it's not necessarily a danger sign. And I want to make clear that really the
    absence of anything I suggest you look for
    in a paper doesn't mean that you dismiss
    immediately the possibility
    of working with that person of course. What it may indicate is simply a wording
    But if you, again, see this happening in
    multiple papers by the same lead author
    or if you see several of the issues, several of
    the clues we're going to talk about today
    that aren't present in several papers by the
    same author, that might be something
    where you'd want to, you know, think about
    different questions you might ask that person
    than you would somebody who seems to have
    everything in their paper that makes it clear
    and helpful for the reader and it shows good
    scientific logic.
    Whereas you see, the more you see like this
    one where the match is equivalent on both
    I think, more confident you can feel that the
    clear scientific thinking is there
    as well as the clear scientific writing. So let's move onto the introduction. The introduction, I think, is good to review for
    four key elements.
    I think just about every introduction ought to
    have all of these four.
    It should give the background -- that's obviously the focus on the paper's
    unique contribution.
    So before we move forward with the others,
    let's look at one version of a background
    Now, I've colored different phrases and words
    in this statement
    to indicate that it covers many things. In fact, I think it covers too many things for a
    single paper.
    It includes a disease; a risk factor; a therapy; a
    technique; patient population.
    And the reason this may be a red flag for you is
    that it's very unlikely, I think,
    that all of these elements are going to be
    reflected in the research -- certainly not --
    I mean, if they're all present in the research,
    that's fine,
    but they don't all likely represent the
    contribution of the research.
    So what you want to make sure is that it's clear
    from the writing.
    And this, again, is in the introduction section,
    that you know exactly what the main player
    as it were is in the paper, what's the main
    factor that's going to be examined,
    the main entity and what's secondary. So this writer -- I'm sure with the best of
    intentions --
    put all this in, indicating everything's that's
    going to be addressed in the
    or maybe the majority of things going to be
    addressed in the work itself.
    But that doesn't necessarily all belong in the
    background section.
    The background section is a place, again, to
    identify the unique contribution of the work.
    So an alternate way of doing this -- there would
    be many others, of course --
    but one approach here would be to focus on
    the technique of MRI.
    I'd say if that's the focus of the paper, then
    that's what should get the highlighting
    as it does in the second paragraph, the
    second sentence.
    So going back to our list for background, it
    should also include --
    rather for the introduction in addition to
    background --
    it should also include previous research. Now, this should follow very logically from the
    background because in that situation the writer
    of the paper is moving from more general to
    specific information.
    Problems with previous research should also
    be addressed in the introduction.
    This section should say or this part should say,
    "My previous studies needed to be improved
    Now, it doesn't have to be that those studies
    were wrong;
    maybe they have simply found conflicting
    But this is where the author should point out
    "Here's why this study was needed.
    Here was the gap in our knowledge," or
    "Here's what's broken or fuzzy about the
    previous state
    of knowledge," even if it's just the previous
    papers had come to conflicting conclusions.
    And then the introduction should end with what
    the current study did to fix the problems.
    I think at the end of the introduction you should
    almost always see the major improvements
    that the research in this paper you're looking at
    makes on past results.
    And I think it also probably should reveal that
    the study is a sequel to a prior study
    from the author's work group, that is, if it
    directly follows from a previous study.
    And if it is a sequel, then it should say how it
    expands on that work.
    For example, is it reanalyzing previously
    reported data?
    Or did the new study enroll new or additional
    Or did it develop a new methodology? Any of those could be addressed there. So all those things, I think -- those four
    elements --
    you're going to want to look for in an
    If one of them's missing, again, that might go
    kind of on your red flag checklist.
    So let's move onto the next section of the
    paper, which is methods.
    The method section, I think, should have
    enough detail
    that another investigator could replicate the
    So that you reading the paper could simply
    take the information presented in the method
    about the methods used and conduct the
    experiments yourself.
    That's, I think, a very useful litmus test to apply
    when thinking,
    "Is this paper telling me enough about the
    It should also include or describe the
    inclusion/exclusion criteria for subjects
    if that's appropriate, such as whether the
    subjects are representative
    of others with similar conditions. The methods section should definitely
    describe the sample size, the timing of the
    And something I did not put on the slide is it
    should provide primary
    and secondary outcome measures or the
    primary statistical analyses conducted, etc. So
    the takeaway here for me is that you want to
    see all that represented in sufficient detail
    that anyone -- any other scientist -- could replicate the process that's described in
    the paper.
    Now, the result section should almost always
    include descriptive results.
    And these of course are a description of the
    sample such as demographic; characteristics
    or clinical characteristics; key predictor values, which is what the researchers ask the
    subjects; or the outcome variable,
    which is what the researchers were looking to
    see or not see.
    Those kinds of descriptive results should
    definitely be the result section.
    Clearly you want a main finding. Just as in the research question we saw
    earlier about MRI,
    you want to see one element being the clearly
    predominant major element
    in the research question. You also want to see the same thing when it
    comes to the findings.
    And ideally that main finding will directly
    answer the main question
    in the research question, the main part of the
    research question.
    You want to see that the results are consistent
    and any additional results
    that may be inconsistent and an explanation of
    why they're inconsistent.
    And then if the research deviates from the
    study design, then you definitely want to look
    in the result section to make sure it explains
    and why the research deviates from the study
    So those are four -- actually more than four, I
    think --
    good things to look for in the results section,
    that you want to make sure are present.
    And again, if one of them's missing in one
    paper by the same author,
    then that's not necessarily a big deal. But if you find a consistent absence of one or
    more of these,
    that might be something to take notice of. Now in the discussion section, I think really the
    focus of this section should be
    on interpreting results and then reviewing all
    the possible implications of the results.
    You want to make sure that the interpretation
    and the implications are both supported
    by the research that's presented in the paper. Now, let's look at a figure here and see how
    this might play out in terms of an actual paper,
    in terms of the text used to describe a figure
    and within the figure itself.
    So this figure obviously is a scatter plot. And it's showing the effect of individuals'
    baseline intestinal permeability
    on their change in plasma zinc concentration. And it also examines the effect of the
    supplementation group on this relationship.
    So on the x-axis you see we have the urinary
    LM recovery ratio, that's lactose and mannitol --
    synthetic sugar and a sugar alcohol. We add that to LM recovery ratio and baseline
    with a larger LM indicating
    that there's more altered intestinal
    Now, on the y-axis we have the change in
    plasma zinc concentration
    from baseline to post-supplementation. And children who received the zinc supplement
    are represented in red and those
    who got the placebo are represented in blue. So look at this for a moment. And I'm going to read you one finding from the
    accompanying text to this figure.
    And see if this appears in the figure, the
    information described in this finding.
    The finding is "Supplementation resulted in a significant increase in plasma zinc
    Now, does that appear in the figure? And you can see most definitely it does. As the change in concentration increases -- as
    the concentration increases, so does the
    As we see here in the legend of zinc
    absorption increased as well.
    Now, another finding described in the text that
    accompanies this figure is
    "There was decreased absorption of either
    exogenous or endogenous zinc."
    Now, does this finding appear in the figure? And of course the answer is no, it does not. So in this case the author had a great
    matching with the text and figure in the case
    of one finding but not in the case of another. And I'm a broken record here, but I'll just say it
    one more time: If this appears in one paper,
    not necessarily to be concerned about, though
    it does get your attention;
    but if it appears in several papers, then that
    might be something to really take note of.
    So the discussion section should also
    describe study limitations,
    both of design and interpretation. And it finally should conclude with summary
    And you want to make sure the summary
    thoughts, again, follow directly and clearly
    from the findings, that everything said in the
    summary is supported within the paper itself.
    Now, one thing I suggest to you do is to take
    the criteria I've gone over so far,
    plus the criteria from last week's webinar on
    writing the scientific paper
    and as you read a paper, apply the criteria and
    grade each section of the paper,
    grading for clarity and continuity. And I discussed those characteristics in some
    depth in the Writing a Scientific Paper webinar.
    And the reason I suggest that you consider
    grading the paper using either these criteria
    or any other that you think are most appropriate
    is that it will help you --
    especially when you're looking at several
    papers from the same author, lead author --
    determine whether the issues that you may be
    identifying, the problems you may be
    with the paper are stylistic ones, that is, it's just
    the way that this author seems
    to present their research in paper after paper
    or their discussion section or their abstract.
    Or if it's really substantive, that is, if it's referring
    to more than just style,
    but actually to a problem in the content that
    maybe the, say,
    that since clear scientific writing mirrors clear
    scientific thinking.
    If you see these kinds of problems with the
    writing occurring again and again,
    then maybe it's an issue more of substance, in
    which case you want to look very carefully
    at that person as a potential collaborator. Now, moving on from the text to figures in the
    I think figures ideally -- obviously they clarify
    methods, they present evidence.
    It's the main function in the paper. And you want to make sure that the figures you
    see in the papers that you read are used
    for overall effects, not for details about the
    research because that's better handled either
    in text form or sometimes in a table, but rarely
    in figures.
    They're great for illustrating overall effects,
    Figures can also be used to clarify methods or
    to present research
    for evidence that supports the results. And let's look at this example and see with
    those criteria in mind,
    specifically what figures being used for overall
    effects, not details,
    what you think about this figure. I think this one shows a little too much
    for describing one point in the research in the
    For example, it shows the interaction of
    arginase and IL-10
    in three different study groups, plus the role of
    cytokines, plus results for the protein MCT1
    and MCT1's interaction with CCR2, plus -- and
    so much more.
    I'm just scratching the surface of everything
    that this shows.
    If you can't understand the purpose of a figure,
    check the rest of the paper
    to see how the figure relates to the text,
    specifically if the figure shows things
    that aren't described or things that are
    secondary to the main point.
    Now, I think this figure does that. And just for the record, what was most
    significant in the paper
    at this point was the insulin resistance factor. So you can see how there's a lot more in the
    figure at this point
    than just the insulin resistance factor. And so, so much information given at one point
    is not only not really helpful to the reader,
    it can be, you know, actively confusing or it can
    actually impede the reader's or diminish --
    take away from -- the reader's understanding
    of what's going on at this point in the research.
    I'll show you another figure. And this one represents the idea that elevated
    glucose metabolism
    through the GLUT1 glucose transporter drives
    and the deletion of GLUT1 blunts
    Now, I think this one is a clearer graphic than
    the previous one
    because it shows just the essentials. Obviously, neither this nor the previous
    example are what the process actually looks
    And so the designer of this figure clearly took
    that and -- that idea --
    and really used it as kind of one of the guiding
    principles for the figure by pairing it
    down to the essentials: Only the information
    that's needed to represent the contrast
    in the elevated glucose metabolism and the
    deletion versus the deletion of GLUT1.
    So less is more when it comes to figures. I think that's just a good overall criterion to
    apply as you're looking at them.
    And again, it's not necessarily a huge problem,
    but if you see a lot of figures in a paper
    that look like this one or across several
    papers, then it may be that you want
    to make sure that you double check the rest of
    the paper to make sure
    that the scientific thinking is very clear in the
    paper as well;
    whereas the more figures you see like this
    one, I think the more confident you can be --
    assuming all else in the paper is good, of
    course and the science is solid
    and accurate -- that may be a good sign. I'm going to show a figure checklist that you
    might apply --
    oh actually, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. We want to first of all, before we get to the
    checklist, mention that the appropriate use
    of flow diagrams and line graphs is also
    something that figures can do.
    And by "appropriate" I mean is the figure
    selected to carry out its appropriate function?
    I'm going to focus on the example of flow
    And they're useful for explaining complicated
    sampling schemes, algorithms, protocols,
    because they break that down -- as figures
    often do --
    and make it easy to scan a lot of information
    So here's an example of a flowchart that pretty
    efficiently helps you scan the entire process
    and to compare the two groups, those who
    receive the zinc supplement versus those
    who receive the placebo supplement, and the
    numbers in each of those groups.
    It would take a lot of text to supply this
    And of course there's going to be some text
    that describes this as well.
    But the use of a flowchart in this kind of
    situation I think helps the reader to kind
    of fix the comparison and the process as a
    whole in their mind.
    So when you see flow diagrams used for this
    purpose, that's a good sign.
    So now let's move onto our figure checklist. These are some criteria I think you can use as
    you look at any figure
    to determine how effectively it's doing what a
    figure really is meant to do.
    First of all, you want to see "Does each figure
    in the paper make a clear point?"
    That is just like the earlier one about the
    GLUT1 versus --
    deletion of GLUT1 versus presence of GLUT1. It makes a very clear point about the relative
    impact of each of those.
    Are there labels on the figure for axes, lines,
    bars, and points?
    May seem like an obvious thing, but
    sometimes they're not always there --
    or all of them at least aren't there. You want to make sure the scales are correct
    on the figure.
    That's because, you know, some measures
    are not symmetric in linear scales,
    such as the confidence interval for an odds
    You know, a 95% confidence interval, for
    for an odds ratio of two could be anywhere
    between 1.1 and 3.6.
    So make sure that the scales are not only
    correct but consistent through the figures
    and that if they aren't consistent, that the writer
    is explaining why they aren't consistent
    and taking that inconsistency into account in
    the interpretation of the data.
    You want to make sure there's a legend for
    every figure
    and that the figure is numbered for easy
    And perhaps most importantly, you want to
    make sure
    that the figure is complemented by the text. In other words, do the figure and the text say
    the same thing?
    Remember back to our scatter plot figure a
    minute ago,
    it illustrated one finding in the text but not the
    And it can be confusing, as we all know, when
    pulling together a paper
    to make sure everything lines up that way when there are a hundred other things to do
    with the paper.
    But by the time a paper reaches final
    publication, you want to see that kind
    of complementarity, that kind of match between
    the text and the figure.
    So enough for figures for the moment. Let's move onto tables. Tables serve a different function from figures. I think tables mainly give essential information
    in a meaningful format.
    What I mean by that is that they allow you, the
    to make a side-by-side comparison of key
    So I think in these information should be
    ordered in I'll call it a meaningful way.
    And that means a way that's essential to the
    point the paper is making
    at that stage where the table appears. And also, you know, "meaningful" means "not
    So for example, in this table of common urinary
    tract pathogens,
    these pathogens are listed alphabetically. Now, this order doesn't really make a lot of
    because the alphabetic order doesn't really
    have anything to do
    with the way the pathogens are discussed in
    the paper,
    obviously not with the way that they're
    So this is an example of a table that's I'd say
    organized in a nonmeaningful way;
    whereas in this example -- redone from the
    same paper --
    this version is much better because it does list
    the pathogens
    in a meaningful way, in this case by frequency. And it also subcategorizes them by type, which
    presumably is relevant
    for the actual research being discussed. It also gives subheadings and it gives a more
    informative title than the previous version.
    So when you see a table that is meaningfully
    organized in this way and provides information
    that is essential to the paper, to what's being
    discussed at that moment
    in the text, then that's a very good sign. If you see that consistently, it's an excellent
    sign that there's clear scientific thinking,
    as well as table writing going on. Now, let's say the situation is a little more
    complex because in addition
    to tables giving essential information, they can
    also be used to compare groups
    by emphasizing the relevant features in each
    And I'm thinking here of the kinds of tables that
    present basically two types of information:
    They present first the measurements for each
    of the two groups that are being compared
    and they also present the differences between
    those two groups.
    And when a table does that -- presents those
    two types of information --
    then the author should organize the table so
    that it shows which type
    of information is more important. And I'll show you what I mean here with an
    In this table, the characteristics of the 117
    subjects enrolled in the vacuum away dust
    or VAD study by type of pulmonary disease. This table is characterizing -- or rather
    comparing the characteristics, I should say --
    of patients with asthma with those of chronic
    pulmonary disease.
    The study, by the way, is about the effects of
    intense vacuuming on subjects' carpets.
    Now, in this table the emphasis is on the
    characteristics themselves: The age;
    forced expiratory volume; peak expiratory flow;
    Prednisone dose.
    And kind of help us play out in asthma versus
    pulmonary disease, chronic pulmonary
    But the problem here is that everybody already
    that the two types of patients are very different. So the table could simply show that there are
    statistically significant differences.
    But the fact that there are differences, which
    seems to the point of this table,
    is really nothing surprising or new. But because of the way the table has been
    organized, that information does seem
    to be what the authors want us to focus on as
    being most important.
    And that seems highly unlikely. So a more meaningful way, I think, of
    organizing this comparison
    in a table is shown in this version. Now, this table puts the emphasis on the
    comparison so that you want to know
    if there's a statistically significant difference in
    the size of that difference,
    I think you'll find that information here. It shows a measure of the effect size, it shows
    an estimate
    of how precisely the effect size was measured. And the point again, really, is that not every
    table should do this -- that's not the point --
    but again, that the information is presented in
    a meaningful way.
    So the author has really thought about "What
    does the reader most need to know here
    about this stage of the process?" I presume, for example, that even with this
    version of the table
    that the text would have been similar to what it
    is for the improved table because --
    we hope so at least -- because the research is
    what it is.
    But in this design of the table, this version of
    the table, the table matches more closely
    in the text and presented in a meaningful way. Now, in a case control or a cohort study, a table
    could also clarify key relationships.
    And this is a different kind of challenge for the
    authors in a case control study
    or a cohort study when you're comparing or
    they're comparing
    who developed the outcome and who didn't. So let's look at a table that is present in this
    kind of study and see what we think about it.
    Look this one over for just a minute. Now, this table, I think, makes the reader work
    harder than is really necessary.
    For example, it looks at first pass as if -- just
    picking one at random --
    as if, for example, as if 33% of the subjects
    with a history
    of the diabetes developed strokes during the
    But in fact, it's not the case at all; 33% of those
    with strokes actually had diabetes.
    So not sure why this was designed this way,
    but nonetheless it's seeming
    to imply the opposite of what's the case. Now, it's even harder, I think, to understand the
    relationship between stroke
    and the previous number of myocardial
    And most importantly, maybe the table does
    not show what the reader really wants to know
    and that's whether the previous number -- or the number of previous myocardial infarction
    affects the incidence of stroke.
    I think the revised version of this table does a
    better job.
    The purpose of this table as it's laid out is to
    show the incidence
    of stroke according to selected characteristics. And again, I think that's what's perhaps most
    relevant for the work.
    So the authors, you'll notice, put the actual
    numbers in parenthesis, and that's to keep you
    from being distracted from that overall
    purpose, which is the incidence of stroke
    by selected characteristics and the
    percentages in the different groups who either
    or did not have the characteristic that's being
    So the authors also characterized the age of
    the subjects.
    And so again, this table's much easier to
    follow in terms of getting that, okay,
    in those who were at or over 70, 12% had
    strokes; those outside that age group,
    6% had strokes, etc. Much easier to follow and were meaningfully organized than this
    previous version is.
    So you want to make sure that a table's format
    is determined by its purpose
    like this one and not the other way around. You don't want the kind of the table seeming to
    distort the purpose
    of that point of the research itself. So you can review how well a researcher's
    table show what's most relevant, I think,
    for the process of answering the research
    Because again, that research question is
    what's guiding -- we hope -- every figure, every
    in every part of the text as well. So let's look at a table checklist. I think you can look at tables to make sure they
    have a descriptive title
    that also is actually accurate, that is reflective
    of what happens in the table itself.
    We're making sure the rows and columns are
    lined up clearly so that, for example,
    you can tell categories from subcategories at a
    We want to make sure the rows have
    denominators and that the columns have
    You want to make sure that all data is shown
    that is necessary for the story of the paper,
    that is, that the table shows everything that you
    need to know to make sense of that point
    in the research as it's described in the text. If there's something, for example, a point of
    comparison between two groups described
    in the text that isn't in the table, that might be
    something to take note of.
    And you want to make sure that the table's
    cited in the text so that, again,
    you're not kind of left to wander and to wonder
    as you go through the paper
    about when you should be looking at a table or
    a figure
    when you're reading the text and so forth. So let's look at a few other things to consider,
    not just about tables and figures,
    but about the studies as a whole as you look at
    You want to know if a study replicates other
    You want that definitely to be addressed in the
    If, for example, it's just simply trying to resolve
    previously conflicting results found
    by studies, which ones is it replicating and
    Does it break new ground? Is there something new in a study? Now, when you look at whether a study breaks
    new ground, I don't mean that as an absolute.
    You want to look at the journal factor and at the
    institutional factor.
    And by that I mean that while obviously, let's
    say Drug and Alcohol Abuse -- that journal --
    and Addiction, those are the top journals in the
    But others may be just as good in their niche,
    even if they're smaller journals.
    So by "breaking new ground" I don't mean
    necessarily breaking, you know,
    headline-making ground but the breaking
    ground for that journal and for that institution
    or for the specialty audience within the smaller
    It doesn't necessarily imply that there's lower
    quality research, for example,
    if new ground isn't being broken in one of the
    smaller journals.
    And also, I think you can when in doubt,
    consult with your mentor and others
    on whether this paper that you're looking or
    this lead author's papers
    in general have the same strengths and
    Again, one incidence in isolation of a problem
    isn't necessarily a red flag,
    but a pattern of the same kind of problems or
    flaws in a paper may be something
    that you want to pay attention to. And this is all to say -- when we get down to
    brass tacks --
    that I think if you read a paper critically with
    these criteria in mind that we discussed today
    or other criteria that you or your mentor or other
    places you hear webinars, read books,
    other criteria they suggest are going to be very
    And it's not that you need to know everything as
    a result of reading critically,
    but if something's unclear, seek more
    information either from a peer, a mentor,
    or another source to validate your thinking
    about what's going on in a paper,
    or a series of papers by the same lead author,
    and whether that is the kind
    of pattern that may be significant. Now, in the Writing a Scientific Paper webinar I
    gave several resources.
    Today I'm just going to give one but it's a great
    Jean-Luc Lebrun's Scientific Writing 2.0: A
    Reader and Writer's Guide.
    And I'm putting this one in this webinar, of
    because he is addressing not only writing a
    but also reading a paper and what to look for. And he goes into a lot more detail than I have
    the time to do today on these issues
    and on many other issues, as well. That book is periodically updated and revised. And it got a major revision just last year. So that might be one you might want to
    consider looking at.
    So now it's time for me to stop talking for a
    minute and to listen to you.
    I would like to know your questions, both ones
    you've typed
    in previously or would like to type in now. And, Jeff, if you could start reading some of the
    first ones,
    I'd appreciate it -- if we've had any. I see one that says, "What do we mean by legend as a checklist for
    And by "legend," -- let me back up and find one. I just mean the -- it's the list that shows you
    what the different variables mean.
    Go back to our scatter plot -- and in the figure
    Let's see. Scatter plot was the one with the best legend. So this is what I mean by the legend. So you want to make sure that a figure of this
    nature has that kind of legend so that you know
    in this case, for example, what the red squares
    are indicating versus the blue squares.
    I'm going to advance now to the checklist in
    case -- for the figures and tables --
    in case anybody would like to write down
    anything that maybe you didn't get before.
    Here's one for the figures. And, again, your questions are welcome. Jeff McAllister: Okay, we have another question
    here: Where would be the best place to put the
    Barrett Whitener: I think the objectives in the
    paper itself, the place to put those,
    the place to look for them since the abstract,
    again, is not necessarily going to have space
    for more than the main research question,
    where you want to look for those
    in the paper is in the introduction. Because that's where you want to get not only
    the background,
    but which is where the author should describe
    why they're looking where they're looking,
    why the questions they're going to ask in this
    research are meaningful.
    That's also a natural place, then, to move
    directly into stating those questions.
    So there may be, in some cases, one primary
    research question
    that has several different components, or there
    may be two or three separate research
    but all have more or less the same weight. But they should probably appear in the
    Thank you for the question. Jeff McAllister: We have another question here:
    Is it better to have limitations at the end
    of your method section or, as you mentioned,
    to be in the discussion section?
    Barrett Whitener: I think the answer to that
    on how central the limitations are to the
    For example, you wouldn't want to get or have
    to wait to the end of the discussion section
    to learn that the method being used has been
    shown to be faulty in previous research
    for this reason, that reason, etc. That's a
    limitation you would want to see stated
    up front, perhaps followed by something like,
    "But it's the best method we have
    because of this reason and that reason and
    the other reason" so that the limitations
    that may be more significant are addressed
    earlier in the paper.
    That's a great question because it's not that
    people will necessarily be trying
    to deceive their readers, it could just be a
    matter of them not realizing
    that in an organizational sense that kind of,
    let's say,
    more significant limitation should be stated
    So that's always something to look for. Thanks for the question. I'm now going to move ahead into the table
    And please send us more questions if you
    have any.
    Jeff McAllister: Okay. We have a comment and
    questions from Megan: I always enjoy reading
    in which the question being sought after is
    in the title; what are your thoughts on this? How important is it? Barrett Whitener: Well, Megan, I think that there
    are pros and cons both ways.
    For the purposes of our webinar today talking
    about reading papers,
    I don't think either approach that is typically
    taken in a title is superior, that is,
    whether the title states essentially the domain
    or whether the title instead states essentially
    the research question and just maybe alludes
    to the main finding or doesn't even allude to it. I think either approach like that is fine when
    you're reading.
    I wouldn't call either of those a red flag
    approach, something to arouse your concern.
    I'll put on my writing hat for a minute here and say that as writers I think it's typically better
    I mean, it's certainly more common to see the
    main finding stated in the title of the paper.
    And while that's okay, I think it does have some
    drawbacks potentially, the main one of which is
    that a reader who sees the title that gives away
    the main finding or includes the main finding --
    depending on their level of interest in the
    subject --
    may or may not go on to read the paper. They may think, "Oh, okay. I understand what that paper's all about" and
    continue with their other business.
    But if the title does not include the main finding
    -- and if they're interested enough,
    then we at least look at the abstract to find out
    what the main finding is.
    And maybe by that point after reading the
    abstract they'll get hooked.
    They'll get a little more interested in reading
    more of the paper.
    So for us as writers I tend to say consider at
    least writing the title to include more
    of the main focus of the research question as
    opposed to the main finding.
    But as readers, either way is just fine. Thanks, Megan. Great question. Jeff McAllister: Okay. It looks like Megan has a
    clarification to her comment and I'll read it out
    "I just want to clarify I'm alluding to different
    sections of the results section,
    titles of each section, not the main paper." Barrett Whitener: Okay. In that case, really the same holds. But I would say that you would be much more
    likely to see and probably
    to write the findings themselves in that case. An alternative, though, is just to use those titles
    as a label, as opposed to saying "Removal
    of GLUT1 Decreases Inflammation" you might
    use that title instead to say something like
    and Level of Inflammation" or "Roving GLUT1:
    Effect on Inflammation."
    Either way I think, again, it's just fine with that. But again, I think for purposes of keeping readers engaged you might
    consider more the second approach
    where you don't give away the finding. Thanks. I will repeat something I said earlier, which is
    that this webinar
    and the Writing a Scientific Paper webinar will
    be available at the NIDA IP website.
    I believe in the Virtual Collaboratory is where
    they're stored.
    Along with webinars I did last year on giving
    oral presentations on science,
    designing research posters, and using
    spoken English
    in professional settings and in everyday
    So there are a lot of resources there. And now I'm going to move on and put the
    reading resource up on screen again
    in case anybody didn't get that. Everybody have a great day or great evening,
    wherever you are.
    Thanks a lot.