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Carrie L. Manning
  1. The Life of Carrie L. manning
  2. Tompkins County History Center
  3. Carrie L.Manning
  4. Basic facts about Carrie L. Manning
  5. School For children during the late 1860s
  6. Children Learning
  7. “…Where I live..”
  8. Farm Girl
  9. Death
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The Life of Carrie L. manning Mabel Tafolla, Karina Martinez, and Kelsey Grayer Tompkins County History Center tn-History-Center-in-Tompkins-County.jpg DSCN0144.JPG Carrie L.Manning Basic facts about Carrie L. Manning Time period: Late 1860s Birthday: December 12, 1856 She was 13 years of age when she started her diary Lived on a farm outside of Ithaca Had 3 sisters Attended Aunt Marie’s School DSCN0159.JPG Anonymous girls playing during the 1860s not Carrie Manning School For children during the late 1860s DSCN0166.JPG Children Learning DSCN0164.JPG “Jan 3…there were 12 scholars at school” “…Where I live..” The weather was one of many popular topics that Carrie Manning wrote about in her diary. “…Jan. 1 New Year’s day, To aunt Katie’s on the boat…” “…Jan. 2 Quite Cold” DSCN0195.JPG Farm Girl DSCN0169.JPG (Not Carrie Manning) Farm Life DSCN0157.JPG oldmill.jpg Death 6a00e552069cee88330133ed771110970b-320wi.jpg (Not Carrie’s gravesite)