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Introduction to Seminary Writing - Flash (Large) - 20130430 12.44.41PM
  1. Seminary Writing
  2. Why Seminary Writing?
  3. Master’s Level Writing Expectations:
  4. Slide 4
  5. Common Grammatical Errors
  6. Common Mechanical Errors
  7. Writing Resources
  8. Slide 8
  9. Slide 9
  11. Seminary Writing
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Dr. Colleen R. DerrAssistant Professor, Wesley Seminary The expectation is for scholarly writingScholarly writing =CleanClearConcise Grade: Description of WorkAExcellent work even on a graduate level. Has unusually sharp insights into material and initiates thoughtful graduate level questions. Sees sides of an issue other graduate students do not. Integrates ideas previously learned from this and other disciplines and incorporates research beyond what is required. Anticipates next steps in progression of ideas and possible areas of further research. Work shows unusual intuition and creativity. Example: "A" work should be of such nature that it could be put on reserve for all cohort members to review and emulate. The "A" cohort member is an example for others to follow.BWork fulfills the minimum requirements of the assignment on a graduate level. Demonstrates a solid comprehension of the subject matter. Serves as an active participant and listener. Communicates orally and in writing at an acceptable level for a graduate cohort member. Articulates well and writes logically and clearly.  Example: "B" work indicates good quality of performance and is given in recognition for solid work; a "B" should be considered a good grade and is the default for those who complete the basic requirements of an assignment on the graduate level.CQuality or quantity of work in and out of class is below normal expectations on the graduate level or for a particular assignment. May demonstrate marginal comprehension, communication skills, or initiative. Assignments are not sufficiently accomplished in some respect. Scholarly writing =Cleanfree from grammatical and mechanical error Verb tense confusion (maintain consistency)Subject verb agreement (plural/singular)The dog chases the cat. OR The dogs chase the cat. NOT The dogs chases the cat.Using the right its (it’s = it is, its = possessive pronoun)Avoid contractionsAvoid repeated use of a wordAvoid starting sentences with conjunctions (But, And)CLEAN CLEAR - CONCISE Use consistent font throughout (New Times Romans is recommended)Use consistent font size throughout (12 is recommended)Margins are 1”, .5” headingDouble space the entire paper (do not add spacing between heading sections)Periods outside of the final ). In a quote.Commas in a series before and, to set off a parenthetical phrase, and to separate two complete thoughts joined by a conjunction Helpful website is: And this document: Scholarly writing =ClearSay what you meanAvoid slang language and “trite” phrasesAvoid casual, conversational language Scholarly writing =ConciseAvoid wordinessFully meet the assignment expectations BUTPractice Parsimony ProofreadandRead the InstructionsClean Clear - Concise Dr. Colleen R. DerrAssistant Professor at Wesley Seminary
. welcome to Wesley Seminary and is introductory video and Seminary Writing . the next few moments we'll discuss the descriptions Seminary in bringing the expectations for your trading at Wesley Seminary student . identify some of the common errors that we have found in writing . Seminary Writing differs from the rating that you were taught preschool . even an undergraduate college . three words that describe Seminary or Scholarly writing is that it should be clean . it should be clearer than it should be concise for really mean that it should be free from any grammatical or mechanical issues Clear means you're font in ideas should be effectively communicated without confusion are in the unity and concise means that you should effectively meet the expectations of the assignment in terms of elements discussed that with our extra words unlike the press get to the point . assigning you had invested in the process of editing your own work is that it will be CLEAN Italy CLEAR and also be concise . but the list you'll find a copy of this breakdown on Grade Description . these are consistent across all of the seminary courses . in any level . work is considered excellent goes beyond the inner minimum expectations of the assignment . while the level where fulfills the minimum expectations and is done and a graduate level . see level work on the other hand is below graduate level quality . for the full extent A explanation but Grade Description and to be in three more of these please consult your syllabus . Scholarly writing should be clean . free from grammatical and mechanical error . a couple of calming grammatical issues to know . our first verb tense confusion . please maintain consistency within the same paragraph it for a sampling you begin with . students continue with Pabst tense throughout . example if you say and the like . the author describes his theory in great detail . he would not say next . he identified six steps to take . rather you would say . the author describes his theory Integrates DK . he identified six steps to take . consistency in dirt . the common error Subject verb agreement . he was named Cain whether it's plural or singular enough that the subject explore up the first ppl are the subject is singular and the vermin thoughts of the single an example is the dawn chases the cat . singular dog chases the singular for all our or The dogs chase the cat dogs chases the car over you when requirements say The dogs chases the cat . that's Subject for this agreement and we wanna level in that . another thing to be aware of me using the right its just a common error we often see . it's by T S is a possessive pronoun used to describe ownership of it . an example of this would be material could be used in its original form or in the A tested format . if there is the best of pronoun for the word theory . if I a team of the highest or The ass is the contraction for the words it's it's and it would be used a satin something like the author noted that it's the most difficult thing to observe . for a much better way to writingScholarly writing would be to completely avoid the contraction altogether and just A the author noted that is the most difficult thing to observe . today CLEAN Scholarly writing we want you to avoid the use of contractions . so whenever you come across when . just turn it into its full form its IP apostrophe s use it is instead of only using the same word often throughout your paper . especially be cautious in using the same word over and over and over again in the same paragraph work even in the same thing will say . Chris an enhanced use that carry the same meaning but providing variety in the readability . and finally Avoid starting sentences with conjunctions bought an and the words signify that there is a continuation of thought . therefore continued and thought with a well placed come up before the construction . and then the independent clause that provides the second half of the writ a regional fought falling conjunctions . there are some common Mechanical era singer . never whine Use consistent font throughout many times Roman is recommended that you don't have these new times just use one that offers great readability . that nature it's consistent throughout . it is very common that if you cut and paste from another document say an exact quote from a different source . that all its might not be identical or even a few Use St from one paper to the next those same um set out of your take . you might not be consistency font throughout the year title page or your abstract night and to be different than the content of the paper . just make sure that would ever for me is that it's consistent throughout the entire paper . also make sure that the tight is black the left block . when you copy and paste from a web sorts . typically the font color will end up being granted to make sure that is black or colored font throughout as well and I consistent font size twelve is recommended and really preferred to again make sure consistent font consistent font color and consistent font size throughout the entire paper . not like you're Margins to be one inch all the way around and then heading to the A advantage will talk about Pennington the leader . I'm Danielle on APA for many but one inch margins all around and heading with in the top . manage your paper should also be double spaced throughout the entire thing . don't and Stacey between different sections of the paper maintained double spacing throughout . that includes when you insert long quote for biblical scripture verses . when you A . add in your reputation various sources or in the abstract . although should maintain . just double spacing that double spacing consistently throughout . another common mechanical issue to know our Periods they should always come outside of the final parentheses in a quote . not inside the final quotation mark . in comments . commie areas with common use . first of all Use comment in a series before the word can't . these comments to set off a parent medical phrase for example in the sentence . if you want to pass this class . come on . you'll need two complete all the assignment the parent the temple phrase and if you want to pass this class . a B abstinence sentences but it is required for complete thoughts you'll need to pass you'll need complete all the assignment . stands alone without such apparent medical phrase and should be set off with the common . and finally you use the comment I was talking about earlier with conjunctions to separate two complete independent thoughts . better joined together by conjunctions remember than an independent thought means that it has its own Subject BN its own for . there are too full of items that will help you in the processes Scholarly writing one use this website that offers free downloadable told and the second is this freedom little document that offer style guide further instruction . Scholarly writing should be cleaned of the ship also be clear . when we nine as well say what you mean . they would see me make sure they are not using language and comments your culture warrior region font is colloquial this and that don't carry meaning outside of where you're from . for example you wouldn't want to say in and out scholarly paper . he was plumb tired after all that exercise . work is plum mean . listen that isn't phrase plum tired and is unique to that very specific region and doesn't necessarily carry its meaning outside of that region . meanwhile avoid that kind of free . you also wanna Avoid slang language and trite phrases . you know exactly what I mean by slang this is a Mrs in common conversation . but it's Scholarly writing truly slang language but trite phrases phrase is that our own for use in our culture in our society . they just tend to get Use over and over and over again and you want to make sure that you avoid those . if you do use them within your paper because they at value and they had been meaning to whatever point you're trying to May . make sure that you put them in quotation . a common trite phrase would be something like . the seniors in our church complain about the work shows music but they just need to get over it . they need to get over is a common phrase and to try for . I actually wanted to include that and I paper I've in each put in a quote quotation marks . but I strongly encourage you to will blame the its first of all that example is very disrespectful . but secondly they just need to get over it is overly used and trite and unprofessional . and finally connecting to these other two is that you want to of late language that is actual our conversation . although you'll begin to feel like you know personally all of the people in your class and hopefully I Professor Islam . even in your initial post any a discussion forum and in your reflection papers and definitely in your application papers . you are not having casual conversation with each other . you are still bright even in a scholarly manner of fairly in the obligations of scholarly academic work and still you want that on the phraseology and language selection you use to not be conversational . rather B Scholarly . wonderful approaches to have someone else read your paper prior to submission and someone who gave you an honest response . not so many will read it and tell you how wonderful you are . it's easy to think that our own writing is clear after all we knew exactly what we meant to say it in and out the A . not only is obvious to an outside reader stop someone other than yourself to review for you before submission night be able to help you identify some of its phrases that are completely CLEAN arch totally clear as well . and finally Scholarly writing needs to be concise . you want to avoid excess worthiness . you want to fully meet the assignment expectations . you want to practice part the money . pay tens of work and will be provided for every assignment use those at the dock . there's a big difference between that kind of frightening hearing courage to do study in preschool writing and the kind of raining expected Scholarly your academic ranking and hastily often fell into the trap where we could completely today are fought in one paragraph . we're expected to say and in three pages so and so we ended up finding ourselves singing the same thing over and over and over again . in scholarly academic Seminary Writing if you can say in what you need to say completely in one paragraph . also don't feel like you need to go on and on inky tricky yourself . just so that you have a great volume of a lie . the goal is to be clear and to also be concise . remember . proofreading paper . he and reading the instructions and that I think it's a wonderful idea . he read the instructions before you sit down to write and then or for use in a green reheat the assignment instructions and your work just to make sure that you have hit on all of the assignment expectations . and remember Scholarly writing should be cleaned . it should be clear that it should be concise . thank you and I look forward to review some of the arts Scholarly writing . . .