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Research from the creation development and testing of a mobile financial education game
  1. Research from the creation, development and testing of a mobile, financial education game
  2. background
  3. background
  4. Why does it happen?
  5. 3 stages to research
  6. learning objectives
  7. WHY AN m-learning game?
  8. WHY AN m-learning game?
  9. WHY AN m-learning game?
  10. Focus groups
  11. Unique features
  12. Unique features
  13. Unique features
  14. Unique features
  15. Unique features
  16. Unique features
  17. Unique features
  18. How the game played
  19. How the game played
  20. How teachers observed
  21. How teachers observed
  22. WHAT teachers observed
  23. findings of the research
  24. findings of the research
  25. findings of the research
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Mark Shufflebottom & Claire Chambers financial exclusion is deemed to constitute both the total lack of participation in the financial market place and the lack of one or more of any necessary financial products such as: a current account, a savings account, house insurance, and short-term credit. 7% (1.5m) of people in the United Kingdom are financially excluded. 20% are on the margin (4.4m) of being financially excluded (Kempson & Whyley, 1998) Ed Balls, (the then Education Secretary) that financial education must be included in the National Curriculum. ‘financial phobia’ (Burchell, 2003) circumstances low financial literacy research hypothesis - increase financial education you can decrease financial exclusion Funded by Vodafone UK Stage1 - Focus Groups
Find out what students know about personal finance & how they enjoy learning Stage 2 - Design
Design and production phase of the game Stage 3 - Test
Students feedback To provide students with a greater knowledge, understanding and application of personal finance, in particular; Banking - Saving - Investments To provide students with the necessary capabilities to plan financially for the future; To ensure effective financial decision making is present among secondary school pupils To limit the likelihood of financial exclusion and financial difficulties in adult life. Result of first Focus Group - students suggested games Girls became more interested in discussing games when the topic ‘mobile games’ was introduced Target age range of 13 to 15 years of age - phone is personal M-learning depicts a new era in interactive media and education, encompassing e-learning into the personalization of the mobile handset device. (Motiwalla, 2005) Computer labs do not aid education of other subjects - but personal devices in more natural environments do (Klopfer, 2008) First steps to financial independence Learning in a controlled environment (Lynch 1960, Douglas & Haragon, 2001) Allows real life simulations (Schollmeyer, 2006) Learning a new subject matter through game play has been described as ‘preparation for future learning’ (Bransford and Schwartz 1999), that prepares the player to learn new content as it is delivered through the game. Initial conclusions - confirmed as all schools were visited 10 students, 10 schools, aged 13-15 years, 2 groups in each school 90% played hand-held games Played whilst “on the bus” or “waiting for something” learning via a game was mostly positive barring one or two exceptions Exercise How would you engage students into collaborating? Problem - phone memory became full just getting basic game to play, how could we engage students into working together? Solution - get students to play with a friend - verbalize the decisions. How would you pitch the game at the right level? Engage the students in designing the game (Stage Two) If we can understand our audience’s affective experiences in …playing interactive games, we can begin to determine the types of stories, tools, and even interfaces that lend pleasure to the act of reading and interacting with hypertext and hypermedia. (Douglas & Hargdon 2001) How do you measure success and create a game for an area that has no absolutes? Students set own goals If we can understand our audience’s affective experiences in …playing interactive games, we can begin to determine the types of stories, tools, and even interfaces that lend pleasure to the act of reading and interacting with hypertext and hypermedia. (Douglas & Hargdon 2001) How do you measure success and create a game for an area that has no absolutes? Students set own goals ‘Games that let players find end states that are personally and socially meaningful are both more engaging and better for learning about things that matter in the world.’ (Williamson & Schaffer, 2006) Decision Making
Product choice, Life stages, Affordability and Budgeting. It is recognised that games engage students with higher-order thinking skills, such as remembering details, inquiry through investigation and exploration (Klopfer 2009; Becker 2008; Prensky 2001; Gee 2003). If we can understand our audience’s affective experiences in …playing interactive games, we can begin to determine the types of stories, tools, and even interfaces that lend pleasure to the act of reading and interacting with hypertext and hypermedia. (Douglas & Hargdon 2001) How do you measure success and create a game for an area that has no absolutes? Students set own goals ‘Games that let players find end states that are personally and socially meaningful are both more engaging and better for learning about things that matter in the world.’ (Williamson & Schaffer, 2006) Decision Making
Product choice, Life stages, Affordability and Budgeting. It is recognised that games engage students with higher-order thinking skills, such as remembering details, inquiry through investigation and exploration (Klopfer 2009; Becker 2008; Prensky 2001; Gee 2003). Double-click to edit Game group v Test group ‘The time before, between, or after game play is ripe with metagame activities such as reflecting on strategy, discussing in groups what happened previously during game play, sharing stories and lessons learned... These activities are part of the serious game experience’ (Raybourn, 2007) ‘The time before, between, or after game play is ripe with metagame activities such as reflecting on strategy, discussing in groups what happened previously during game play, sharing stories and lessons learned... These activities are part of the serious game experience’ (Raybourn, 2007) “If only I could always see what they were doing in their homework.” Ability to send feedback to students via headline was important No single authoring tool can publish to every mobile phone - future research could try to develop a framework for leading phones. Could lead to - digital version of “Dog ate my homework” Game had novelty factor Initially indicated subject matter did not appeal to them students informed the researchers that the best way they learned was through active participation The students like to have control over their learning and pace of learning (Gee, 2008, p44) Student participation into setting the rules is an important part of play as seen in children’s role play games, whereby participants act according to a behavior (Williamson Schaffer, 2006, p23). Girls more interested in mobile games than console/pc games The students like to have control over their learning and pace of learning, whilst maintaining competition against their peers. The students enjoyed the experience and expressed enjoyment at learning via a mobile phone game Students wanted the game to be more ‘interactive’ with characters and animation. Staff felt empowered to track students with the desktop software that displayed the results of the daily activities and to send encouragement via a headline to the newspaper in the game.
. he . the Bulls University . it goes silent . Shufflebottom . well Renay . so he tried . in all leagues . it is will we use that you use a gun . so whatever he said is on the effect . I don't want to cause the deaths . he didn't bite on . for to us . I've teased you see falling . so will my family from the eighth among chip and . days reflections on four of the fallen . and I'm sure that's with the name comes from . so . well . my research on such a based on these financial education starts . I myself from above ground all stripes Media sites huge trucks media of homers University items . instead of the things cost . Steve we know website creation Bhopal occupation developments . I'm . Elements That's something else which instructs his experiences . so the thing that I teach something that might be involved in cricket . that's how we play together . see this mess on our training course so we were trying to be . higher education teachers so that you're not going to kind of close so he about how to engage in how we could perhaps in over . use the next that institution disciplines to come together and hopefully trips like this . it generally is quite the CDC will content . sounds like . the output into other people's displays and christening we engage unfolded . so close last site . seats Lights out . one had a right to those cookies possible solution get straight on with it at that tool . the protests of the eastbound toward sites about not . I'm . Selig always got also wants a united Ireland but we have a discussion about six of them . he wants time to edit . I just had you will get a disease is the research which is gone only . I've said it bought from you got Slide on the yuan to trade discuss the mammals little cotton . students will Your students will slow sites . any time . because . . I financial education . she came up with educates the last season finance system and how . some people might use the phrase finance . Stasko says his sponsors hostile finance . some people are afraid . I mean you guys probably taken out you might be something someone behavior . if so the only one hit colleagues like that . because he's like to use the piece they get the five tons of resellers . How . How to get used to belong to . nothing happens . so the class that she is buried it's thirty pounds . she likes talking to the file its duty and that means people teach don't have any . it's going online . that attitude . most voters sites because of that to happen on its opening night on the couch . from the coastal simple . . five million people but they're also called for with the people who just on the coast . so you know when someone says she's criticizing when you think that's YouTube . you with us that unit . so it's good . Alzheimer's . based on the that Education Secretary today . financial education for kids to be in the last Curriculum which extended its included . but it's I'm told spot into the race to what a soft sell us Results about we . audience be it's going at it . OK so forth . on some of these a flat Instructions certainly some people it's just plain right finance its trade of money they just don't like that's all . we will see things go about in the economy . that stock is twenty be somebody new column in two weeks of the drive for LA Still on content . the results of that . we see these people you would know maybe not stretch of things about us . things like that . Chiefs DT speed people's house and got clear of the most recent not so phobia and sell stocks due to an hour ago . this research hypothesis budget . finance education you can decrease financial Stage stock index the MakingProduct . profile phone so spotty he had and they funded projects . Gore initially said talks Oakland in the top of us to get one . OK so we have three stages to research the stage for Wednesday's finding out about it Mention said she is designing the whole thing . what it and I'll mention each of these places Oswego . Grace Now when you speak of the letting the Jets he wants to in this projects to one against use of really good standing of some of the things that they to do with it they will . King Saving Investments . T get tickets Instructions said Friday he was on of those . the name specifically . students aged thirteen to fifteen years old . strange looking up keep in mind is going students . let's take a post . you just saw . he made decisions based on that . lastly to stop and for the next meet and future so . it's what we tried to get Institutional projects . most or all weekend and already do you make game . we do you know we would you smoke all technologies can you go into a students . it's been Instructions . when you pitch on educating somehow we did not however been accused of . all the good job of finding the How do we get this point . I want . one embedded . you guys want use the mo policy with you . what should we can teach people about finance one which he set mo bond money . it's . sorry to . Grad's announced . you . . it says is to compile also you know what we do . absolutely yes . DeJesus in the book . file access . yes and yes hi . system . it's a new home . it's excellent . the research that we . I Cycle . still some streets Stasko and it's also the squad Small projects there will be few schools can use the skills twenty . Oh and it's also . so we spent things that I've . so once you say . surprisingly they didn't know that financial education phone with Steps about it . you don't . stay with the good of you . Investments . I'm kind of stock market stocks did not to be themselves . over in and stop hostile finance arm itself . what we need . why do we smell inside . well it's legal but they didn't understand our side . so we re kind of speech . How would you like . we'd see him anything he wants so it may to reach the experience full . some states than in hockey lot of extra will idle hands on things be done yes . well we don't know the list . so it's so that was a revolt that substance . research in Wednesday's House on . we'll require lots play games . so who thinking it's got to think the types played a slap on song though students together . another site . the worldwide . so the White House What's up with . teacher knowledge that's going on . so she's which he would not watch it on against . it's just quite a huge huge gains this point . he's not . was it slices . yes votes not allowed to be fully must . during the period . come on . and Focus Group . so this is really going to well over ties with its lights that go on . Woods you'd like to . tool to assess how it's actually very least you didn't and that yes I'm the kind of dating . adjust the the I from what we said no he's thinking more about phones that training device that slowly because . How come on . I mobile phones stop and look back Chalk a top six last night . so people outside . . and that they saw . spoken about in a wild day games . Tilsley Inside Stasko said . and so the White House . people in the evening . I knew what the dispute sites about . Mugabe is the way together so we will be a really a tech sites come up . you guys will manage the Sony's console it's your thoughts to go to a new pope you go what's next on the already . it's due . those that don't get in on our stock . he also . most of . number of other things well . so on . Komatsu well . it's a new UN Instructions media and education . Centcom says . it was with . Bach was time to eleven . you don't assignment since post my station . the Bhopal Hans that post last people off . but you got the short know when you when you teach teens . he notes that in its the GOP's House the House that that much money get you more on the them to us . almost nonexistent displays melting away . five . Koch also has Robots some of my Stasko both nights . none on . so several states to pay just the confusion lots to do disagree with you one key spots on the rights of the Ning with services not just the rich over the last . still certainly he's not complete a decent run . if so what you're getting from you Joe . the Room . it's not compete on . so is that the environment dictates that you will let you go today . certain on that kind of a mouse size . that's not quite right that should be allowed to put it possible . on Sunday . OK . it's just what they did since being products Development and Environment Day Takes You . you today . possible upset needs to do with the launch . anyone who might seven . we must without the spotlight . people love . will respond it's kind of the suspects teenagers live financial independence . in the UK we have these songs and they pasted over . the company . credit Suisse can only get . Comstock He stayed under eighteen and sixteen on since the United concepts . I hope the committee about . the walkout . but the good standing of finance and legal substance known to the last week and is the US Superdome uploaded see going on . Stewart making financial decisions based on its server don't see how that stock you would you say most of what will be going finance the state's nation it's like to and from Sick opens this together . when he gets placed on that . . simulations reveal anything controlled environment on you're able to Make the state's safely enough to go wrong the will comes out of class that already so . the . simulations . so we've got some . is there some program and write and work together . I'm and I'm not the right to live with disquieting . on London's the game play . it's the hottest line in future months . what you mean by that while you were somebody a case Honeywell happens when you watch that again was that day . when you get in much the Xbox . it's what would you say . the instructional . so to try and somehow the lead again . it's true that I made . the situation and dynamite to the state's leading to a PC was will slow and often not stated are long . the thing about it . pretty much the way we we are quite slow . when you woke and fire . she was told us she's kind of blunt Studio colleagues around you . solicit women rules is an important . some of . I know the guy who looks and so on can see on this unwritten rule . no he feels forced get . OK . he should cease to be with us to go . out west one doesn't get right to the people get into stocks and the flight . that's no mean really you know somebody in the environment . and the teammates . page Well I wanted it . see you Runs my father on the China get it . to Kate Snow . if we can just you today students and get nothing from in from another and then they can start to experience on loan the rules . some also see the dots twenty six . you know . boy do you really . loans rated a buy . you get students to it . elision wanted to do and why didn't you kind of fruit and with all technologies in order to see China may them from enjoying Stasko really deep down Elements insistence the door open and the month . and that goes to the game and hopefully they come up . so it's . so . still stocks on the trigger . them up by almost twelve . we read are still too many mobile schools last ten schools so that and she's in each school . so it would of course let us in a moment . already by announced that schools site now you know he's she's been on the day . he and his agenda . based religion . you know last spring and every one of the people . on . we . still some from the US no fly Rate and commence the with the peace Timmo following the game STEM and Vodafone and eight weeks on streets them . small schools on to keep up the mall . I don't . et-cetera . OK so that's a pretty last month . you know well that he thinks it is always see a stock sectors and gun days that it's an with your lifestyle . so that's another good reason for going after this . this team's total . yes . yet she meets the needs of the toughest in the How to Win which he labeled text of one Blue label today on we can attest to one against the other . see you as long must the case and again on some of its based financial education to . yet to and see if the Nazi troops to education because he has since been but again the rock without a job . every week . one . it again . some didn't . Friday was mostly identical w experience once he did what all so he hundred and following up now on to play games is games . if you will see Audio learned things from them . Unique features up to us . site cnn easy win . I just . . I spoke with slow down and squeeze through . Vaughn says he's broke with the other landslides that stage . he Snagit the rest of the lg and upset what these guys that site . it's just meet on Tuesday think Bonds is willing to take this up . among its the deal done . Amanpour Right . . practices . . the one who now runs his son . yes . not . the race . s . . yes yes . . it's all the road . . they . what is Tuesday guy . Brown Yes yes . Knotts Yes . Los . . so . . . . this . the goal . yes . . . . . . . yes . . . . it's . . . . the . a way tools . so it easy . he . OK . . . the overall No . . so . How are they so honorable . this is the worst house . Étais Yes . it's . cons . . you all . . Small . . no I . . . the road . . we're Slide here . . . . he classes . . tool . one . the a . . we're . . . . . this has to be . . . our . . . I was listening along . the the the class . it was through . you all the humility you did with the bases . and . Guillen said . you almost that long has no . they will . and when he . . . the the . a lot of grading communicate they were silently stood there and when trust in doubt since he sites will get the dots lend itself to great success in the study to realize that you teach it again . they would get it on the road . it's quite difficult state . Size to join he's on screen . he spoke . now in custody now Watada . . How would she go along Double A Wichita about it . it's up or . . . young . two enjoyment six on the Mosul . I thank you . yes . LT . ten . we're for all of it . U U . . yes . for reference was sentenced . . the . well yes . period . so them . the . . the range . I completely missed it . he takes the following to call sixty thousand nine . we get game time . I think what Bill to get all my knowledge . more on the trial . well . we are already quite always will be the game . I saw Problem stage . I'm . Strongly DJ she still hold the memory of phone of one hundred and twenty easily many other Each quit . I just cannot sell it to gentle slopes the game Quinn and Use within the State speech on Tuesday . which he never got any day . states that support that lend again full . so . I was convinced . most of the conference . I was the one people on the inside . the cubicle mo polyps all of the goals in a grenade used in mobile FUN so that Teaching against a lawsuit about was going on location . stay with a mobile stories here . findings patient to get some slowdown . most assaults someone's talking seven related this nation was . you can find a friendly played sites that the unit uses its financial decisions . about them . the Iceman . the US ninety eight and it's a good outlet to this day . MX increased decisions . so can you get the people . but BEING hopes . . you know how to be given an instructor device . the Hawks . Unique feature of the day . well done . How would she go about this and he says he asked How would you go Bob . again the right level . she will do . . . he said yes we can . he should stay strong College get through the the you just try to study the local . well their office . I mean on a long way with a means to fifteen times in Ottawa nothing much and . Sussex recent run of it well it's now because things change so much . How broad . engage the students . OK . he . . ADC dot Strongly Agree sells games played which is exhausted . what we did . we actually just last Friday . so while the scientists she said Well honey get your Slide . on grounds that the reason Other of all teams play . still file a place in it . None . Cross . OK . most noted cost countries is not a routine stages when it is almost teachers know that about the way to do things . several . strong shot we can start . you try and give out again that incorporates learned on classical just watched of the Saudi games . so what changed the on the right to iTunes . graphics Tommy of sport the best they could use those . without a full sheet in the game . the loss . we go with three games out . that's all . the game by with more let's say things . Russian stocks . and when to hold out he studied law . that's not scrutinize while . Udinese but still kept secret so the defense also selected to read . the audience . tomorrow in mostly that we kind of bounce which they are . Secure which was one of those folks the cost . we double the day with a one state . which on Cost graphics watch on realistic record profits . I decide what to many lives . one of the first one . minus the cost of such delightful . can they WANT . he teaches about it on . it is hard to say we can understand our already insisted that experiences . he played in search games we can begin to disseminate stories tools and even in space is a lamppost at reading and interacting with hypertext and hypermedia server . we understand the audience began . we don't . see we can build so forth . they were in . How many sacks . no all absolutes . seventy not out while still Integrates Uganda some people go to the politicians don't speak not teachers . one aware local bar . sonic you're wrong today Wednesday when you thought . these expectations last month to Yugoslav How nice guy . a lot to do that . quite difficult . solution . she set own goals . it's beginning to get in . yes and you watch the speech . a Wednesday . he said . he said . How would you . not Steve . about fifteen minutes . so that we . see . Began Yes . How the lights don't hosted by snipers or holiday one . I will come in children's watch . it's to find out from the Nissan to walk on a flight solving watch the sun . this is again . seizing on the and ninety five . why is most on stronger the was markedly the web . sports updates . song Began out since Wednesday ties for stocks . How many hits you know field for the season how strong . well he couldn't or not the case and use this in the studio students last fall but set no wall with built in this guy cannot it's not . Saltzman use These cats . the last lease . now gone on now know what to do to stop . so it starts . it's . Dementieva will so that hospice and I saw the siege of the use of key East . so . her screen name and the reason use the night . it's wrong . . news May she saw modest voted and are sending the the Steelers in Week difficulties was the class . give me the nice clean and seventy people in on us that they WANT statements in the installed . students in of all them . the skills they WANT on the Haiti operation access . . the Smokey bones . don't hold . would you like . Education hold and . you know you've been in the job . job choice Life Christmas was Wednesday . None . education eighty she wanted the job . so what get away for Thomas has not been hostages forty snaps . it sounds on the way to scratch and sounds off to its state an understanding with such the Bolton not . the money . they want to . Vodafone just meet completely out . you know their ideas site . the stock to own goals in mind . projects . and our measure that did and against those Goals one decrease the and the good life . let's do this . so while many . are you so sites of their own goals . states that people site own goals . he's on . is it you can watch the moment . by and say stop the slide Associate meaningful are both more engaging the following about things . find and then set their own and sites . that's been a means to mold . we during the game . it's decisions he wants the court choices . it'll cost the city Life stages to last stage of the financial needs are . I when you twenty nine showed . panic about it . uploaded to the scene on foot through both of which we've one stop and think that it stop . so that's really difficult . I'm . . it work together on this Tuesday the second US against http higher opening skills . remember details inquiry through investigation and exploration . on a book you read some on Matsushita . from . she does . Lawrence We were just behind us OK . what's the on the project . Ah . nice to stop just yet . yes . no . playing the game . shows you teach it . based YouTube Stadion where locals . the system over the problems that can get the universe that . he's the aged . cons Get Stasko Siegel rates for Teaching . on Monday the on loan for so the two things . I don t do that it starts to lead the team or more new well . so letting this go . continued . we have to tell them about this in the Cotton cinema war . and so on . Cycle . it's not WANT . month . chose to for months . so you get Salaries among the ten that it is time . he was Saddam . making the month when would she make those decisions consistent to twelve months he has to spot a lot serious flight stop selling three cycles get University and the state line . easy . he cited a case that's come and play this and . it's . so the home screen . Richie the twenty two still two more humble with the US through me . Rice Yes . well so be . actually that's get every single handset still swollen from the with combinations . he's . well it's a gallon of done on the mall and I'm more of it . the address of the site down . the to get along . she's cons counts . Houston alone . from Don . the House . . on this show is place to get insurance . Strongly Daisy via house . I don't have any show is the home . the candidates to run the stocks I like the TV . certainly that's a PC gone . White House tonight is that going savings . it's not only that has begun generates for the lone assist enough eighty five all . it's always nice to have a Investments a unit upon for the future my palm . the latest in what How so . that is the home again . so it's all just for secured seconds . before we resume go . . very sensitive in some kind of take it looks as all of play on . . accommodation . so Saddam . so it can she still . Allman . . . so the cycle since led them know CollegeHow and the Gulf of we like to keep it on . students will go to person goes well with unseeded initiative that work slightly so . . Shaun send somebody . yes . it's outputs of NATO to keep on going to show that she had to . and when you the states is the source of these people three minutes . good to see things now which . . yes . common seasons and screen system doc . Lacey Well it's an island off the game was fast all day . and he's . the phones . all simulations close the controls and and you got us Small Wednesday that . see you and as you get to the slopes Monday . the key is to think about finances the No . the unit . Instructions Well that might not notice the use of this happening minutes late . the risk eighteen The CDC and from some are obstinate not them . they wanted so that's the idea behind it and see reading and think about . then and now I'm sites on and on the second lady . yes that's a distorted and seemed nice number . sessions So this goes on recess savings account and and makes money and for that . . . the eighty two . cons of the one hundred and . behind the cease teachers . the state's plight . it's a surveys summer to Minnesota St play VistaSlide dates to the top flight minutes each day . on the coast two days . it's a good online . font size that it was teach can see that . Slide said . he said without running Student It's encouragement . provide that service of small section of the Teaching piece is aware of what's going on . but that didn't really . the study film and it's based used to . the rate states that anything's wrong . discuss the costs up to two draw with the conclusions from that . it's cold . it tells number which leads us to get subject . and you can start is Money . speaking of fun . soft ago dozens of times . Jackson Snead nineteen knowledge people get jobs from them . the units in the state online now . other than Iraq . sorry . WHY is still the estimation of you can see with the gun again . . what it is . clinch It . but should it become dollar was watch the feature . safety . so that each city you'd want your teammates bombing . she's trying spent more than they seem to get the award last concepts and good standing mobile your budget allows . Lamont in a moment on that they could stick with its announced Monday . the game I'll skip sundown . St . our David James again group test case basic financial education to see you just mentioned is the difference is that is to what they will I . it can't be ended . just . the housing based which involved a little bit slow . this is great all year . the game plays like he's not a game activities . he two steps in groups what happened previously changing play sharing stories in the line . it was designed to the home of the week about and continue that . and that information and get her out the decisions they might . and I talk to screen some of us . watch for them . I might stand the White teacher . Palm . said the homework . Usage Right now we see with a bases . right now . send feedback she spied headline diesel simple . he was just . he mobile . Hairston No single Pencil was able to publish . it's not mobile . once belonged . and that it's not can be useful Boston . you will with a voice . future research . it is on a framework to enable spoken and the vice tedious . holder No . . this is the digital photos and all my homework . there was no see . no I couldn't Next to continue note all about him . Double spots on the scene unfold . in a one week she said she has not sponsored a digital readout . House's posture in a wide range . which teams should keep his activities . in of the well off its soul . Narnia watching snob . and it's a much possible . . once a smooth mostly somewhat sad . a July . each letter . on station . we gave them again . hostage inside on Wilson's goal . Stasko . ghosts once mobile games on the console PC games . How long response . John another bomber Wellstone . one shot was actually on a switch the funds bought the data . GT . Brown Low run on the phone . Chalk She's he began publication . findings of the Dole out success . we found is that that she sees it playing with the game was all were brought in financial markets down with any denounce so that it does indeed out . Each second race of the city and the session . I'm any questions at this point . . follows the release people to see them . yes so what comes next and see it . the top . it's not . feedback . yes . . Salama Right . St . this recorded .