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Teaching Lab Science Fully Online is Now a Reality
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    good afternoon everyone . as I said my name is can that ship out with hands on labs we produce a product called lap acts . and our interview talking about teaching Lab Science online . one things that I do is contract student surveys . we were really lucky to get very good feedback from a lot of people the Insert courses . but one letter that we got fairly recently was from a woman . do was what we call an adult learner . any of you have and the Learners the teach . we had very little different three . and the letter said . faculty you for saving my son's life . thank you for saving my son's life . I went on to reading she said . I am working as an LP and and I wanted go back and the NRA and so I'm taking your Lab pack . my sixteen year old son it's been huge problem . he's running with the wrong crowd he's cutting class is he's not . you know I think he's taking drugs a problem . I started using the lab had about nine o'clock one night he wonders and not what you doing . and I explained that I'm taking a course a lot Science Course Online in on using this thing called the lab . what's the lab . well like you might lack Science . exercise to sit home . and I Kate the course online . I'll Effects . and the mother said Swansea on happen a little bit of a problem . should this and take stock . they computer read see instruction send the information he says Well ma'am I think this is what you're doing wrong what about that . was story shortly . every time she gets to do her exercises about nine ten o'clock when she finishes her staff at the hospital . there's the sun . by the end of her course what happens to this time he's gone to class if he decides he doesn't want hang out with the bad crowd . does about the terms . but the point license as you say my son's life . well actually interesting . that's not what we're and this has to do but that's what happened . so what's going on in your world is Teaching online right now . anybody anybody Teaching lab scientist . OK some of your here to take information that perhaps I can tell . what's going on well we were reached a fork in the road in that you can do Science of course in the laboratory but that's like having done remote of the campus lab . any nice things look familiar to you . budget tightening . problems with maintenance capital finance . faculty stand . so what's happening is online is really growing . but not so much in the lab sciences and why . mostly because they the educators instructors . what are seems to have a real live Hands on Experience . show what is the gold standard twelve and gold standard is the campus lab . a link has been . right . does that have some limitations . well you know it does get hot time in space limitations . you may have anywhere from three to fight students in US of doing it . all of the . re not need to get the key to right . and many if not to perhaps the backlog limited time women time for Critical thinking so knowledge the gold standard . it may not be the only way . then the question comes up . it's a traditional on campus the only way it worked and lab sciences be done promote a hand slap . thank and these experiments be done anytime anywhere . the letter some sort of going through this pretty quickly because I really wanted get to you . on the information that I think you're all here to here . well we now . well we've got campus lab Experiencing you've got the issues faced by Administration and the department chairs and faculty in the e-learning . and then you've got to remote lab experience that is available anytime anywhere . so you really one and reached its cash into the Oval the offer the lab science courses fully online because there are channeling to this challenge is with the time available for last . we're just taking one of our professors in California State five a and P classes . face-to-face in an Many she has now sealed . yet three classes canceled because they needed to labs for the upper levels for the graduates . in a new type of them . the the issues that the institutions are dealing with of bottlenecks in and then all of that show the real benefit . making this league . the institutions are you can avoid some of those bottlenecks that can offer the courses online you can expand year program to meet the needs of your students . and they also can limit the amount of time that the schools have to spend on building more laps . and what are the advantages for the students well you know what they are . they like the convenience they like to flexibility . the the like the fact they could take an online course to teach their time . and and in the case of error . I instructor and that calstate Amour coached her students can instead doc I mean I can graduate on time . if I can take the screen read some of the of again inflight nursing program by Mike ph program . and so that's why she started offering these classes online and then of course if they have a last course with the real lab . the credits are trained terrible . I mean all your schools have articulate in agreements and they accept an online Lab Science course as long as that's a Hands On lab . some of the clashes Wikis simulations they know get accepted for a lap credit . Joe they in the bottom line here that it's really the experience is the key and not to location . so I think it's pretty obvious why a lot of students like the Online of learning and ELI may be preaching to the choir here by . certainly the alternative students they could put their jobs . military to take a course in go to a lab . that students living in against Anthony can be kept students . they all really appreciate the Online . I availability . and then of course they the convenience the flexibility in the Khan savings . so why online learning . what we have an instructor named to the doctor Jim Brown . and Dr Graham and OUT and Ocean County College in New Jersey the body . you're from New Jersey . McCain Well about four years ago he applied and guy . Robert Wood Johnson Foundation great half a million bucks to start what he calls the first online free nursing course . and he went to really proud of this he's got pictures of FUN shelf . and you know it was called a one day a week nursing program . for years that will what was the one day a week . again last . five . it was better than the alternative . so after this program was going about six months his boss then the head of the Ocean County . goes to the ATAC Sea . American Association of Community colleges . and he stops at the lab happen . and he's they are literally late thirty seconds . back on that . the rapid strike and tell about the lab tax gets on a cell phone and calls the . the day . what a fine . he found Lab tax . and that was a way where students didn't have to come to the lab they can do their lab work at home . so he was just thrilled are now three year three in a half years later they're using fourteen lap action Ocean County College and GM the teacher's microbiology and the biology for science majors has students from all lands in Mississippi and Alabama all over why because they can take it online . shall . what's the lab . anybody know what allowed package . OK well this is what allowed pack looks like . it's a Blocks collection of materials . that's designed to me Error . an on campus last . Show . it has a list of content said the student have to check it . it's gotta lab manual on a CD . with the exception and . need I the directions and things like that there's also hyperlinks built in Confessions the digital media Taught like direct them to a certain with fight for additional photos or information whatever . and it's got all the materials needed to deal the lab . online . it's done in my Christiane seek a cease get the bag . organized by experiment and the like are Scale meaning that it's got to Small email . of chemicals or whatever enough to do the experiment and what our president likes to say and can the Spacelab doing a certain chemistry experiment . you might get a condo in Using a lap as milk off . right . it's fifteen learning experience . it's the same results . like Kerry able to do it home so if anybody's interested obviously we haven't been hearing you're welcome to come up that this is what the lab packed looks like . so as they say here it's academically aligned these were developed with the science instructors and in years to campus last show in terms of the lab manual in the materials that mention federal . now we've been industry since nineteen ninety four . and currently we have over two hundred and fifty different experiments . we have over hundred lap act . so on . he is important and I share the the micro scale . and that obviously makes it safe procedures have very small amounts of these materials . and we also have a for million Dollar liability policy . I it's very easy to use the to the contents list can be tell construction mission the report and lecture we also send out by the instructor on the entry keys . and the instructors can I take the information the lab manual and put it right into their LMS if they teach you . and some other things not it is worthwhile if we have at creates tensions website . and all that . lap after LIS didn't want in a and that means that the experiments show that an instructor . good looking here syllabus look in a lab pack and really can parents they are yet issues . this is really what I'm Teaching L biology for non science majors this Pre standard and seller are several of . so what . and instructor we do or school or department would you . it's basically review the project of lot of times when instructor will send a syllabus . he laughed . and we'll get through a bench ready out we think that this will work . we'll send out a table of contents of travel lab manual to do a comparison will send out a PDF . of the lab manual . and we can all sense and I you can order a lap action country like to order them because they get this camp and then they can be the Experiments where they can really review it for two weeks of . we know we do webinars we have a sales representative they come to camp in Cheney and and explain everything and do a Q and A . that is . an instructor and the department in the strike would dot the lab pack . just like a doubt textbook display queued up from McGraw Hill or Pearson or whenever it dot the lap act pretty minutes LMS . and on the Staying bang goes to our Web site . an orders . and they pay for it . and it sent directly to their house or wherever they are Niemi said nice things to Afghanistan and Iraq in Canada and all over . we also work with the financial aid department . and we work with the bookstores . I What we sell it directly it's to see know we'll market out the bookstores ten Q But some in the institutions of require that all of the materials and get to the bookstore stuff course we do that . and that's really how it gets implemented . this latter web site looks like . and again you can see of Peer they you know this until after I eat a low financial for Section for educators and and all the information the league need . and at the shot just to show you what the lab manual looks like emissions just the beginning part but this is really important because the people are out there saying well I CTIP to teach history or English or whatever but how can it keep Lab Science Online be challenging there . five . we set up the lab manual so we talk about had study science . how to study science independently . how to perform an experiment . what you're lab notes to look Like in high gear I cannot . the Area Sch aspect been trying to Visual priests and pace and if you need to set up and expel Excel spreadsheet . and then lab techniques barrier porn How do you do a lot . what about disposal . and then of course to shake here we have a lot of information on safety . so with a very strong commitment to safety . and that comes up quite frequently when our people are speaking with instructors shall . we Pakistani be here right now lack it . and ensure to hear . when he . I know what Carol it's all up like a their troubles . . goggles and gloves . and I may ask . so the other thing is on the web site . here's . several areas by the talk about the microscope no on the chemical disposal Patti end of specimens . I and then of course every lab that has been an SPF she . and then as we discussed the lab manual have a lot of information about to safety . and there's actually an assessment that we suggest that the instructors have received fill out and sending . said that they signed a in a bid they said they've read everything and I could mention we have the liability policy so this apart on the web site if you When the going in and see all the the tail of that if a be on the web site . this is really important . we worked with a lot of instructors all over . and to be honest with you what we're finding is it's not so much about the lab . if that any peace lab scientists online . and if they want their students to have a with lad experience that a transferable credit . what in the lab package is to be free . he choice . but if you're instructor nearby least ought face-to-face on campus and now the site near many teach online . because he won Fewer made it to me and eight . but in a scary proposition . so that's why all Each people are here talking about the learning management systems in the content systems in all of that . so we do you work with the instructor can try to help them by sharing best practices that have come from our instructors . so these are some suggestions . at a pre registration information . add the information about the lab pack . students can read before they register including the fact that the the lab tax average about two hundred dollars but some of them are more . like the microbiology . Anatomy in physiology especially with the catch . why . yes well . aired of get their nutshell they learned . right . the good thing that that is important to know also it's watch somebody instructors might think of that show expansion . actually . annotated by Lab many will add manuals can be like fifty seventy five hundred dollars . I drive back and forth campus if they try Paper babysitter see if they've got a pay for parking . so the students believe we are delighted to be alerted take a course on the air time . I have everything like a nice for them actually got some schools don't have class facilities Slide the square colleges are now getting into the Spring racks of the nursing in the allied help field . they ran around the high rise in a Pakistan total lack act or we do A class tax Where will ten year twenty five of specific experience this show we do have the flexibility that you want and can know . he'll want to the surprise . on e-mail expectations for the course began . I used . ready or some kind of assessment because honestly not everybody is right for an online class . and he won of course work with here Al LMS Sunday familiar with a you what students know the deadlines with everything is do you one of the in touch with you students . he won and he is the discussion board and keep it simple keep information in multiple places and build in and of course Summary . I say something else that one of our I instructors . the guys actually several of them do . and if they as I videos they had their students . the video . Morgan work on weight bearing . we are going nowhere . I loved technology . so what this instructor died . one more time . she has her status doing in your adoption . . the e-mail they learning there . they're yelling we colors Herman . so she to know where students are . they may have like a two hour ride out the takes into our studio and into a brief video to teach the teacher . learned . I your dorm only and we love him . everybody ready for this morning and . this is a dissection of the behind order . this table is killing us . that can delay in their home . he said . Kelly let I'll get to hear . yes . they look like to leave their use their air route Camrec in the Arab for the rights to the dollar logic and webcam . so that's an example of the another best practice . and then another thing that ever Professor guys is they do . and again an Hispanic a couple Second Finance . they do it Video syllabus . that's what happens to be about twenty seven minutes long meaning in the month and Shea the whole thing . I love a little cranky but actually instructor . this is the and the product called media site . and she gets on and she claims everything and and they they know everything that they happen now . so getting back to you on . just some other information . . Kelly Guillen on time here . I have a cake . so it was through this to say really like chance for you on AM . question So the best practices is important we deal are free closely with our instructors . she landed a problem here only . right I give you just saw the None that Churchill we've got lots of this happens to be from an instructor who's been Teaching Online up for about six years and he's kept track of the I mean final package and support for his gentle bio course but his face-to-face and his online in interesting Lee enough . his online students attend can do better . now . the limelight to self select . and as I said we've got all kinds the demographics they do tend to be older they do tend to be more serious students what fill in all . you know the numbers they speak for themselves . and then I have another one on an anatomy and physiology . and once again the online teens are really performing well . and we think a lot of that has to do with the fact that they're doing it themselves . as a little scary when they first start you know if we get all the FBI's that testimonials she was I first started I'd never thought I'd be alerted to that . make it this hits and six at Satisfaction . on another at stake if they can go out to share with you quickly I mentioned Dr Jim Brown . other key Teaching began face-to-face an online him one of his actions his face-to-face Pre nursing student . according eight percent on the and class . you know everybody know if that's the nursing County in class . he was Pre happy with that and then the next week he got this correspondence online Team one hundred percent . so we know works . on here some reference system again for anybody that didn't use it or more than happy get to give you their information . with that like I said . it's not about me it's about what we mike PLO to answer for you in just just before I start . did everybody get a chance to sign our little sign up sheet . yes it did anybody not get to sign and that is interested in . I could . if you win striking track . so all of them . question . Oh that's a good question approximate cost to develop new Lab a really depends on the lab . and the way they can develop this people come to us and say you know I'm doing . this course in environmental sciences Nic you've got the still ailing you've got this water but I want one Align ex-wife see what we worked with the professor to do that . I . and very honestly we like to know that there's going to be some guarantee that of you know you're going to have . XM thirteen x number of session sections etc . so if you're interest then on that I would take that off line no one that throw a good year out because he really does very and then of course it has to be exacted for at home . like for example we have at a at DEI sperm and that requires use of color in the air . well you know color red enter in a in a lavish about ten thousand allegations Equipment wheel able to get one created for us offshore . I get weary of will include and not . you know that's the genius of what this product it's like yes we do our work with instructors in institutions develop new labs all the time we just had three New Scientist . actually Jim . . one . the . ELI I did no not really . we have seen some lap actually going need a . but typically they came to be in a T three four years old and stuff like the missing . so it's an investment and we shall be II six hundred power microscope as a separate item . if anybody saying that the science eleven Science instructor we sell a hundred twenty five dollars . that's a really good price for hundred for six hundred How microscope . so what we suggest that they donated to their local high school or whatever . . one . what were you actually can in fact when that might get a career colleges now . that's sixty one in center since over to the local community college why can't they do that . said nursing career Ex of the allied help . and that's exactly what they do some of from acquiring each team can buy their own lab had sometimes they share although we started the scary fact is that the Area not getting a completely independent . well we asked her a class act . said H and K they want to and Anatomy and physiology and their these ten laps that they WANT Timmo package . you know . twenty five of these . and twenty five minutes and Internet class . Call . . the U . yes . you know we'll work with our instructors in the department chairs in the schools and really try to accommodate like I said when in industry since nineteen ninety four and it was started by I Chemistry think and the lack College professors . said Dr Peter a shot Make with the chemistry professor at Colorado Mountain College and he created the first can can . and for about six years daily cash developing creating text based on their colleagues and then really made a that a real business that out that two thousand and the big key was getting a liability insurance . . . yes . wait wait . the Paul different combinations and variations absolutely by . the administrators really like this the kind . the by the things involved . the knowing have to hire a Lab Tech . learning . and then divide it all up . and yet you're paying the Phillies for breaking Warner building you're paying the lab tech gear pay in insurance where it's . we take care of all the profits so organized . you . the show ways of dealing . yes . and because they're doing it themselves . there there really learning . using . right . Cheney No with a lot like a safety shall in all black . and at home we have a whole list of things that we tell them to deal for their safety but I'm sure your next and then I saw few other hand . . . . no . OK . well me . I don't see kids to come with a two hundred power microscope . we also offer on the scope which is Virtual . and there are some instructors who don't feel that are stingy Mike Ross copy . but they want them to have the experience of looking and analyzing Slide show we do have a variety of options . it's the virtual microscope and done . to make that . idea what I can say new information on that I feel about Add the scope by Google a ID Studio but a find it scary . Duncan is to a creator of the dirt to Bulgaria on can . and I keep it take a look at it again it's another option . Instruction mother here . what . . . he'll . black Yes . Teaching . it will . . did you to the . yes that's a good point . Oh we have a whole series of instructions that we provide to this team is going to be working in own . and one of them is make sure you have a safe place to work . ideally with the door unlocking doors and make sure the kitchen attention everybody around the way you know put a sign up with where Producing is seeking video right now that will have all that . it's sixteen years we've been in business . we've never had an insurance claim . yes . yes . why of we carry the liability insurance for the product . for million Dollar Policy Act . you know it's Line-up . that's of and . that means if the firm did actually and said Oh . I caught myself using your . you error on . I Section K . I go to the hospital Anacostia thousand dollars shy what you pay for . so we never had that . five . do was take by what we would say as well . insuring the safety document . and you'll actually the healing work safely where you really working safely . were you being careless . so I mean you know actually came to society . nothing is guaranteed but we do whatever we can do to assure safety and and prescribe things very very carefully . that answer your question Mike . I don't see why I'm not an attorney . but you know we have all kinds of things to me We work with states this tension and the university suspension Community College in Fall around the country . and Yale if there were issues like that we are surely do our best they can help you address them . UN another question and then I tried UN and you have a question . . or . they . . the year . Bush Yes but fully up to the institution and the professor . you'll be accredited institution . accreditation comes from the institution . the articulate it agreements with other institutions history you . we provide the means to do the wet lab . and our students are transferring credit all the time and have them . at the setting is here question attend . I have question . Oh and endorse Custom back there . the . . . . . . you do . knowledge . by . . the . Oh . it work . and . twenty of the president when they shop make a lot to say what the Galileo he to knowledge the Pentagon . I one Slide If I can find it if I can . Blair said that when a girl . when Sheehan and I take it out maybe at to get out . yellow that we've that are Slide where the act . they knew stipend for students lined up . when you got to one exhibition working in a the key key shots eighty . he got another one teaching other like to they may like to do it . another guide is looking down and then you got the for the growth going . yes she's the one of the Spanish nature whatever not the press anything wrong with that . I doubt that that does happen and John Slide said the be were working more more with the instructors to please keep good with that record saying that trips and on . just say you know our president when the shopping . I it's just publishing a book How to teach Lab Science online . and she was approached last year by Toshiba after anybody's ever heard agency be after a widely him for it . so here's the allow pre credible publisher they learned about Linda and ensure to write this book in an old be out at the end of the summer . so we think that this will be a really big help for instructors to one or No . all the state Patti doing and why did he do it and what her best practice this letter the case study . what are the technology cools the Friday the big thing that comes up if academic integrity . I knew that that year but I'll we recommend a few different doc up programmes which you may be using like turning in their fight for . so email questions . they come up to innovate and coming up for sixteen years so we do our best to help but thinking very much for that comment . appreciate that . . or are they . a lot Science course . and now a lot of this Balls are not even putting that it's an online course . the lab science course with that bit Real Wedding Annesha lab . the only one we had problems with interest about nine months ago a spring in the on . on they were questioning whether to take something from one of the community colleges in Utah and yell we provided all the information and they have here . biology . act two year look at it and it was to prove . tell each does happen where it's question fight for the most part he owe it to look a Hands on lap Science in the are doing be a sperm ensure they would be dealing in a About lap . King titles same heart procedures . you know looking at the same learning objectives and getting those results so they caught any on the course in the Online . Cheney and of course . . I will not specifically like if you had a particular question we'd certainly look at Israel . absolutely . no . I know I think that's actually doubt I can tell you that one of our big clients this the CCC Online which stands for Colorado Community College's online and that is the fourteenth community colleges in Colorado where we're based in Colorado . so it's like speaking in a College in Front Range Community College in Iraq Community College in the other eleven . so what happens Tuesday this thing may do a majority of their work . I email regular campus but for whatever reason they decide their can and take the flap Science course online should they register three CCC online and then a coach here at the school that their role then and then end credits go to school ur Melvin . and yet we had the a week . I can't the letters . no I'm a doctor today because I took your lap my class I can tell you lots of abide . it's just terrifically . it's a very unusual that it's a very unusual . Company were growing . I wish the eleventh person Higher year in a half ago we caught thirty six the last three were scientists are working on this new Experiments and and revising in making things better what we ended teach commitment to quality and and science literacy and dot PL . quality is this what we're all about . in fact . the crew . well the . this . the crew . my . great question . this set fairly standard procedure . we talked to the instructor ur Instructors department . we provide . I information and a lot of information on the web site . I we actually understand their syllabus are still a buy because typically the school's main one and the lack of Beta and you know say one by Allen T one Chemistry one E and P and let the instructors compare and contrast will send a PDF of the lab manual . and typically the look and say . yes let's requests to one on using . I they can buy . the lab package fifteen percent discount to evaluate some of them prefer to do that because they can really take it apart and the some of the experiments or we haven't demo policy where we'll send it out for fourteen days for her free evaluation . I've typically what we like to deal each had a representative I go to an end institution if possible when there's a group of people that one of the and we do webinars . we provide reference this you can call . talk to people the in shape . and I . we help this much we can on the online learning portion of that . he as I said sometimes it's a little scary for some of the this effort on online show we try to help in in any way that we can . given this kind of information yet this is what Paper in fact this is what Jim Brown That's the veteran center . could I answer your question Sam . yes . Pros . . two years . on . Double that . . instructor . the lash of the LabSim collapse . it textbook agnostic . I . there standard Ladd said or done so if Instructor wants to be creating get . you know all the students in an an online chat room using an to village and am or whatever they can do that . the one if etiquette discussion board and push the question unhappy students respond . I lot of the LMS systems have a place for this team to have their own chapter and ten discussion challenge far as customizing the course they'll customize it . . a lot Annual itself is on a CD and it's assigned to the scenes . but once again the instructor can say in area killing Lab number four when he also read and I would be to go to desk with site and look at this show on the lab manual for the lab manual but certainly the instructor and customize and certainly with all that technology tools out there . PLO when and I'll wear No . any beef content management . they certainly can do that and ten e Guides actually . that did I into question . . it is . they are . s . no . . I have to make sure the issues have the documentation that you require . let him peers laws peers last year's life you have a different way of teaching that . TM . . . . forget . you don't see it . . all . LA July . so we do have instructors no matter in the week that hundred plus flat action say I don't care . this is what I want . and in some of the classes it's like that particular Niemeyer middle Sciences and Kingscliff him if here in Georgia Anyone them to have to else from Georgia . you know and so we do work with the instructor see it right up the cost a little bit like you know we do wish and you know the water samples from things like that . Amen . show the and we've got a content management shift and it says to take part in a have an experiment from the geology of course tool in have this experiment from the chemistry course in this experiment from the physics course because they're all titles . and we prayed together that way . now if you want hide your own . or you like your own text . to go along with the the . I'm specific experiment . that's the instructor . but they say any PR doesn't matter who Using McGraw Hill Using Pierce and you know whatever of . actually a learning management system is for and that's what all these technology tools are far Show on . we really need that to you . I answer your question . yes . . and I've never been and that I don't know . I would have to find out three and . . . ensure that the course of the peaks get the selected . no it's into well yes it's embedded into our CD and their specific slides for specific Experiments like if you during the light tightening in things like that . . we have enough time for killing a . I well other . there are some brochures up here many bodies interest it and that this is my colleague . I have three babies and after Dyer had the this day and that Chad a little bit I think the of the few more minutes . but other than that I would Thank you all for coming . Thank you .