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  1. Typeface
  2. Web and PPT Use
  3. Gill Sans (sans serif)
  4. 3. Size matters
  5. Chilean Exports
  6. Beginner Motorcycles
  7. Racquetball Fundamentals
  8. Typeface
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Typeface Presentation designtips in 20 slidesIn 6 minutes, 40 seconds Visual Literacy Spring 2010 ‹#› 1. Type must serve a purpose ‹#› Type must serve a purpose ‹#› 2. Use serif fonts - sans serif fonts ‹#› Web and PPT Use How do new teachers identify a topic?How do new teachers determine student learning outcomes?How do new teachers analyze their data?How do new teachers represent their findings? Times New Romanserif Arialsans serif ‹#› Gill Sans (sans serif) Times New Roman(serif) Print Use ‹#› 3. Size matters 84 point bold72 point bold60 point bold48 point bold36 point bold24 paint ball18 pant bla ‹#› Chilean Exports Fresh fruit leads Chile's export mix - Chile emerges as major supplier of fresh fruit to world market due to ample natural resources, consumer demand for fresh fruit during winter season in U.S. and Europe, and incentives in agricultural policies of Chile ‹#› Do not do this ever! ‹#› Beginner Motorcycles My personal favorite: the Suzuki SavageLight weight (~380lbs)Adequate power (650cc engine)Low seat height fits most riders Red and greenYellow and greenBlue and orange ‹#› ‹#› ‹#› ‹#› ‹#› Racquetball Fundamentals 2, 3, or 4 players.1 player serves, other “returns.”Only serving player can score.Served ball must land past serving line and cannot hit back wall.Ball can only bounce once before striking front wall…but ball does not have to bounce. ‹#› TEST! ‹#› ‹#› Check grammar! A presentation is the worst time to see missspelings. ‹#› ‹#› Typeface Presentation designtips in 20 slidesIn 6 minutes, 40 seconds Visual Literacy Spring 2010 You should always applaud your speaker! ‹#›