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Patron Import (Translate Method)
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    Preparing Atriuum’s Patron Import for a New School Year Overview Get a list of all your Teachers for this school year from your school’s registrar. Evaluate your Patron Report Classes to see if you already have “Graduated” and “Withdrawn” categories in your Atriuum. If you don’t have these categories, add them to your Atriuum. Overview (Continued) Reclassify the students in your school’s highest grade to the “Graduated” Patron Report Class. Reclassify all other students to the “Withdrawn” Patron Report Class. Run a Patron List to see if you have patrons with low numbers (that shouldn’t be less than 1,000) and to verify that you have a Patron Link Identifier on all Student records. Overview (Continued) Make the necessary modifications to students records manually. Verify the patron import rules that have been set up in your Atriuum are accurate. Make any necessary additions / changes. Once you have verified the rules and/or made the necessary modifications, import the new student export file for your school.