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170524 GENESIS - Lesson 21.mp4
LESSON 20 (May 24) • Genesis 37-39 

The Beginning of Joseph's Time in Egypt 

•:• In the grand scheme of things, what is the significance of Genesis 37:1?  

•:• Is there anything alarming in what we are told in Genesis 37:2-4? 

*:* What are the two dreams Joseph had In Genesis 37:5-11, and what reaction did Joseph receive when he told his family about the dreams? 

*:• What do we learn about Reuben in Genesis 37? And Judah? 

*:* What do you make of Jacob's reaction to the news in Genesis 37:31-35? 

*:* Take the time to carefully read Genesis 38. This chapter Is not as well known as the chapters surrounding It. What should we make of it? Is there anything we can learn? From a "big picture" point-of-view, what is the overall purpose of these preserved details? 

*:* "The LORD was with Joseph ... " (Gen 39:2). How Is this a key to everything we are being told? 

*:* What do we learn about Joseph In Genesis 39:6-10? 

*:* What does the statement made in Genesis 39:21 add to this account? 

*:* Taking the time to reflect on Genesis 37-39, what should we take away from what we are being told? How does this fit into the rest of Genesis? What are we intended to understand? 


GENESIS - Lesson 20 The Beginning of Josephs Time in Eqypt.pdf