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LESSON 14 (April 5) Genesis 22-23

The Beginning of Sacrifices to the LORD on Moriah

 Think about the first words in Genesis 22. “After these things God tested Abraham.” Why would God do such a thing? What good can come from “tests”? James 1:2-4 might prove helpful as you think through those questions.

 Abraham is called by God to “go to the land of Moriah” (22:2). What is the significance of this 
geographical area in other eras of the Bible?

 Read Abraham’s statements carefully in Genesis 22:1-8. Is there anything that stands out to you?

 “For now I know that you fear God” (Gen 22:12). What does this statement mean?

 What is the significance of the message of the angel of the LORD to Abraham in Genesis 22:15-19? 

 In Genesis 23, Sarah dies and Abraham purchases “the cave of Machpelah.” What members of this 
family are eventually buried in this cave? 


GENESIS Lesson 14 The Beginnings of sacrifices to the LORD on Moriah.pdf