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The Acts of the Apostles Lesson 4 (Acts 3) “Repent Therefore, and Turn Back”    Some time after the incredible events of Pentecost, another amazing thing happens in the heart of Jerusalem. Peter heals a lame beggar in the temple courts. Once again, a large crowd gathers in wonder and amazement at what has happened and Peter is given another unique  opportunity to proclaim the good news of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. However, the apostles are also led into the first of several conflicts with Jewish authorities who are determined to silence any further preaching in Jesus’ name. We’ll focus on Peter’s message to the crowd in Acts 3 and the resulting confrontation with the Jewish council in our next lesson.    Now Peter and John… We often find these two together in the New Testament. They very well may have been friends from their youth in Galilee.  See attached pdf for continuous.


Acts Lesson 4 Acts 3 Repent Therefore and Turn Back.pdf