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Lesson Two:  A Timeless Gospel   -Arrogance-  Our culture has many unpleasant characteristics, but one of the most prominent is its arrogance.  Most modern Americans unquestionably assume their superiority, not only over the other peoples of today’s world, but over those who came before us as well.  It has not oc-curred to most that the future’s judgment of us is likely to be as con-descending as our judgment of the past.This arrogance exposes us to an array of errors, but the most signifi-cant mistake concerns the modern judgment of the Bible.  The sages of Hollywood, who do as much to shape our philosophy as anyone, have decreed that the word of God is actually an outdated collection of myths, and that we, with our supe-rior sense and moral understand-ing, are able to discern a more righteous (and more inclusive) path.  Sadly, their ignorance of the Scrip-ture has led them to overlook what it teaches about the way that is broad and well traveled.In reality, the Bible is not an antique curiosity.  It is the ageless revela-tion of an ageless God, no less rele-vant today than 2000 years ago.  It is the mirror of our souls, and the modern distaste for what it reveals does not make it any less accurate.  ©Copyright Matthew W. Bassford, 2013.  This material is subject to a Crea-tive Commons attribution-noncommercial-no derivative works license.  This means that it may be reproduced, shared, and used freely, provided it is attributed to the author, not used for commercial purposes, and not altered in any way.  For more information, please see creativecommons.org