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"•  LESSON 13 (March 27)  •""Luke 12  •  ''You Must Be Ready""""1.   On more than one occasion in the Bible we read about ""leaven"" as an illustration. What did Jesus""mean by warning his disciples about ""the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy"" (12:1)?""2.   What do hypocrites need to understand from Luke 12:2-3?""3.   How would you summarize Jesus' teaching in Luke 12:4-7 in your own words?""4.   Practically speaking, what does it mean to ""acknowledge"" Jesus before men (,1.-2.:.8..). ?""5.   What does Jesus mean in Luke 12:10-12? What do we, as modern disciples ofJesus, need to grasp""from these words?""6.   What is ""covetousness,"" and why does Jesus tell his disciples to ""take care"" and ""be on your""guard"" against it (12:13-15)?""7.   What is the ultima,te point of Jesus' parable in Luke 12:16-21?""8.   Of all the things Jesus could teach or clarify, why does it matter whether or not his disciples are""""anxious"" about their lives? What is Jesus really revealing in Luke 12:22-31?""9.   ""You also must be ready,"" Jesus says, ""for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not""expect"" (12:40). Take the time to carefully read Luke 12:32-48. What do we need to understand and apply from this section of Luke's ""orderly account""?""10. What is Jesus foretelling in Luke 12:49-59? Why was it so important that the people around him""""know how to interpret the present time"" (12:56)?"


Lesson 13 Luke 12 You Must Be Ready.pdf