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"•  LESSON 10 (March 6)  •""Luke 9  •  ""Who Do You Say That I Am?1.   Read Luke 9:1-6 carefully. What does it teach us about Jesus? And the apostles?  2.   Luke succinctly references Jesus speaking to the crowds about ""the kingdom of God"" (9:11).""Based on your knowledge of the Bible, what sort of things would Jesus have been saying?  3.   What can we take away from Luke 9:10-17 in this ""orderly account"" compiled by Luke?    4.   ""Who do the crowds say that I am?"" (9:18). Why was this an absolutely pivotal question? Is it still a pivotal question? If so, in what way?  5.   When Peter answered, ""The Christ of God"" (-9:-20-), what was he professing?  6.   Luke 9:21-22 is the first of several times that Jesus foretells his death. Why would he do such a thing? What does he want his disciples to understand?  7.   We often reference Luke 9:23-26. Take the time to look at it with fresh eyes. What is Jesus""communicating? Whv does it matter?  8.   ""But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the""kingdom of God""          What does this promise mean? Has it been fulfilled? If so, when?                                                         9.   Luke 9:28-36 documents a profoundly important moment in Jesus' life, as well as the lives of""Peter, John, and James. In your own words, what is the real significance of this event?   10. In what way was drawing the attention of his disciples to a child an effective way for Jesus to""teach an important lesson about true greatness (2:46-48)?  11. Why did the question of James and John in Luke 9:51-56 draw a rebuke from Jesus?  12 . As modern disciples of Jesus, what should we take away from Luke 9:57-62?


Lesson 10 Luke 9 Who Do You That I Am.pdf