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130127 bc IPAD CS6 C7.mp4
Way of Cain, Balaam, and Korah - Introduction:A.  The little Letter of Jude begins with a call to "contend for the faith that was once for all delivered" (3).B. That call is followed by a warning-God's people must be vigilant in their stand against apostasy (4).1. The "certain people " of 4 are described in vivid terms throughout the rest of the letter (10,16, 19).2. Such people need to be spotted for who they truly are so that the church is not deceived and ruined by false teaching and immoral behavior.C. One practical God-breathed strategy for the defense of the faith? Learn the lessons of history.I. "Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities ..." (Gen 19; 2 Pet 2:10; Jude 7).I                      what I                      when I                      it, and I'll do whatever I must to get it.II. "They walked in the way of Cain ..." (Gen 4:1-8; 1John3:12; Jude 11a).If I don't get what I want when I want it, I'll give full                   to my frustrated spirit.Ill. "...and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Salaam's error" (Num 22; 2 Pet 2:15-16; Jude 11b). I know what God                 , but...IV. "...and perished in Korah's rebellion" (Num 16; 11c).Why should I                             to or                          you?Conclusion:A.  "There is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9; James 1:12-15).B. Jude assumes that Christians have learned the point of these stories (Rom 15:4; 1Cor10:11).C. Jude believes the lessons of the past can be an aid in the struggles of the present (12-13).D.  Jude expects Christians to wisely avoid traveling the same foolish pathway (17-25; 1Cor10:6-(17-25; 1Cor10:6-14).


Week 5 January 27 - 2013.pdf