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130113 bc ipad.mp4
SUNDAY MORNING (January 13th)• 1Peter1:13-2:12Called to be HolyIn your own words, what does it mean to "be holy" (1:16)?Why does God anchor his expectation for our holiness in the fact that he is holy (1:16)?Why must our minds be "prepared for action" (1:13)?What role does "sober-mindedness" play in a life of holiness (1:13)?"Set your hope  fully on the grace  that  willl be brought  to you  at the revlation  of Jesus  Christ (1:13). What does this mean and how do we go about doing it?                   How would you describe what the Spirit has in mind when he leads Peter to refer to "the passions of your former ignorance" (1:14)?Why is it wise to "conduct" ourselves "with fear throughout the time" of our "exile," and what is this "exile" (1:17)?How would you summarize what Peter is revealing in 1:18-25?How does one come to "taste that the Lord is good" (2:1-3)?Peter describes Christians in a variety of different ways: "living stones" (2:5), "a holy priesthood" (2:5), "a chose race" (2:9), "a royal priesthood" (2:9), "a holy nation" (2:9), "a people for his own possession" (2:9), "God's people" (2:10), "sojourners and exiles" (2:11). As you read those God­ breathed phrases, what comes to your mind? How should they shape our new identities in Christ?