

PROVOST: Welcome to the Provost Monday Minute where, each week, we present 1-3 things you "otter" know in about one minute. Monday Minutes will be archived on the Academic Affairs website.   First up, on Saturday, April 9, CSUMB held it's first face-to-face Admitted Otter Day in three years, and we had a packed house! The line of cars on inter-garrison reminded me of the final scene from the movie Field of Dreams. While we are still tallying the numbers, we know that campus tours for housing had at least 2000 people, the ball room filled twice totaling nearly 1000 people, and many students have already been confirming their intent to come to CSUMB. There are so many of you to thank for making this event so successful, but we all owe a huge thanks to our Director of Admissions and Recruiting, Kim Guanzon, and her team for organizing the event.  Next, I'm here with AVP Dale Grubb, and we have some important information about the Fall 2022 schedule. So AVP Grubb, the President has now signed the Final Assessment Policy. What happens next and what should faculty, staff and students know?  AVP GRUBB: Thanks, Provost Kantardjieff. The course schedule went live two weeks ago, and students begin registering today.   Mike Sipal and his team have published the final assessment schedule overlay, which takes effect in Fall 2022. This schedule includes a study day for students. Faculty should review the assessment week schedule and make sure that the days and times for the scheduled assessment periods corresponding to their courses are noted in the class syllabus.  For details regarding the faculty responsibilities for final assessments, or for information about exceptions,  timing or location of final assessments, please see the Final Assessment Policy at the Academic Affairs Policy web page.  PROVOST: Thank you for this important update, and thank you to our Academic Senate for their efforts to put this policy in place. This is another example of CSUMB's commitment to equitable student success.  Finally, we are looking forward to the first of the two commencements celebrating the accomplishments of our graduates who had postponed ceremonies. We will celebrate the Class of 2020 on Saturday, April 16.  Details are on the  commencement webpage.  Have a great week, Otters! See you soon.
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