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Calibration 01-Existing Buildings_August 7.mp4
Chair: Nicholas Cardwell


Simulation-Based Occupancy Estimation in Office Buildings Using CO2 Sensors
Filip Jorissen, KU Leuven, Belgium

Proving the High Performance Design of a Campus Dormitory Building - A Case Study on the Complexities of Modeling a Commercially Constructed Mid- and High-rise Multi-family Residential Use
Yung Nguyen, DNV GL, USA

A Comparison of MCMC Algorithms for the Bayesian Calibration of Building Energy Models
Adrian Chong, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Efficiency and Reliability of Bayesian Calibration of Energy Supply System Models
Yeonsook Heo, University of Cambridge, UK

Calibration of a BES Model of an Educational Building with Demand Controlled Ventilation
Bart Merema, KU Leuven, Belgium
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