

PROVOST: Welcome to the Provost Monday Minute, where  each week we present 1-3 things that you "otter" know in about a minute.   This week, we have some important information from AVP Dale Grubb about proposed changes to course modalities and implications for accreditation.   AVP GRUBB: At last week's conference, when asked directly what WASC is doing in response to institutions' curricular modalities coming out of the pandemic, the Assistant Vice President of WASC, John Hausaman, held firm regarding rules in place for programs approved as in-person programs:  at least 50% of credit hours in a program and at least 50% of credit hours a student takes toward graduation must be completed in person, and subchange proposals must be submitted for programs that do not conform to these caps.  The same 50% rule applies to blended modality (hybrid) courses -- if less than 50% of the student-faculty contact time is in person,  then that course is considered a distance learning course.  And here's the kicker -- general education courses count toward these caps.  So, the question for us now is "what does this mean for CSUMB?"   Our next step is to establish an accurate inventory of distance learning courses offered during the current academic year and scheduled for Fall 2022, which the Provost's Office will share with ASEC and all department/program chairs and college deans.  We will then reach out to department/program chairs to discuss their plans for future distance learning courses.  These plans will shape -- and be shaped by -- the development of a long-range academic master plan.  Based on the credit hour totals revealed by our inventory, we may face the need to submit subchange proposals to WASC, or revise our slate of distance learning courses.  PROVOST: Thank you, AVP Grubb. We recognize that we likely have some work to do, and we will work together to put our best curricular foot forward.  Next, I'd like to give a shoutout to Professor Nelson Graff , Director for Communication Across Disciplines. Nelson gave a well-received presentation last week at the WASC conference highlighting the rich assessment work of our ULO Coordinators at CSUMB. Thank you, Professor Graff for showcasing this important work and to all our ULO Coordinators!  Finally, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate this year's recipient of the UROC Mentor Award, Dr. Jose Pablo (JP) Dundore-Arias, who is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, within the College of Science. Over the last 3 years, JP has directly mentored 25 UROC Scholars, McNair Scholars and UROC Researchers , and he has indirectly mentored another 20+ students in applying for jobs, fellowships, or as part of the ENSCI Masters' program.  In the words of one of his nominators, JP " is encouraging and constantly seeks out opportunities for his students, emphasizing collaboration and inclusion." Congratulations, Dr. Dundore-Arias!  Have a great week Otters! See you soon.
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