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5X5 Workout Routine - Madcow 5x5 Spreadsheet - PORTRAIT - Intermediate.mp4
5X5 Workout Routine - Madcow 5x5 Spreadsheet - http://diystrengthtraining.com/workout-spreadsheets-links/5x5-workout-routine-madcow-5x5-spreadsheet-intermediate/ I wasn't even looking for a 5×5 workout routine when I found the Madcow 5×5 spreadsheet. BUT... I sure am glad I found it. Anyway, after using it for a bit, I realized I could clean it up a bit and make it a bit more user friendly for the gym. Be sure to sign up for updates! I just want to make sure when I update the 5×5 workout spreadsheet, you will know about it. Video Link: http://youtu.be/dDrfAmCFDeY Subscribe to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/DIYStrengthTraining
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