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130428 bc flashr1.mp4
God as the Eternal Creator 1 - You’re very familiar with the very first verse in the Bible, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Let me ask you from the very beginning why is it important to believe Genesis 1:1? What difference does that make? If this is not true, if God is not telling us the truth here, what reason do we have to believe that He is telling us the truth anywhere in great revelation to mankind. Most certainly that is a valid question, right? This book is full of absolutely incredible claims. This book is full of miraculous accounts and it reporting to be what actually happened. Now, if we begin to unrivaled it here at creation that impacts everything.  Right? Genesis 1:1 impacts what we’re reading in Matthew 28, as far as the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Right? Genesis 1:1 impacts 1 Corinthians 15 that tells us about our own resurrection from the dead.  Genesis 1:1 impacts Revelation 22 that tells us about how all of this is going to end. If we somehow set this aside, Genesis 1, then we are making an impact on the entire revelation, no doubt about it.  It speaks not only to what God did, but to who we are as the created.  This puts Him at the head, at the authoritative place of everything. What we see all around us, what Genesis 1 tells us was created including ourselves, did not come according to this great book by accident.  


130428 God The Eternal Creator 1.pdf