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God’s Power to Overcome Sin God’s Righteousness, Not Mine – Week 33If you’ve got a Bible and haven’t already let’s open them to the Gospel of Luke  18, where we will be reading here in just a few moments. Our course in this auditorium this summer quarter we’re talking about grace as God’s power to overcome sin and I want to gives just a moment to refresh ourselves as to where we have been. We’ve been saying nearly every week this is such a massive topic we cannot possibly talk about it in every aspect in one 35 minute Bible class and so we are gradually building. Think about with me where we’ve been. We began with our bad news, Romans 7:24 specifically it encapsulates that bad news for us when even the Apostle Paul says, “Oh, wretched man that I am, who will deliver from this body of death”. We move from there to week 2, God’s good news. And we focus specifically on Romans 7:25, “Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ”, and he talks about what is available in and through Jesus. The good news is in Jesus, good news comes to us through Jesus and what we’ve been building ever since then is exactly what that means and what it looks like. Week 3, 2 Corinthians 12, we went back with Paul and we heard Jesus saying to him, “My grace is sufficient for you because my power is made perfect in weakness”…          Grace: God's Power to Overcome Sin (Student Workbook)Want to know more about Grace? Have you seen Grace abused too much, either by making it cheap or by acting like it doesn't really help the Christian? If so, then this student workbook is just what you are looking for. *** You May purchase workbook for $4:97 at  http://edwincrozier.com/my-store/


130818 God's Righteousness, Not Mine.pdf