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130922 BC FLASHC8.mp4
God’s Power to Overcome Sin Growing In Grace – Week 38 Of course, we are nearing the very end of our study of grace. Just a very brief recap of where we have been. We began by talking about our bad news, the bad news of all of us as human beings. We moved from there to Romans 7 to talk about God’s good news and how His grace is sufficient to help us through the difficulties of life. But that grace came at great cost and we want to remember that and commemorate that of course today as those who are Disciples of Christ. We move from there in lesson 5 to talk about relying of God’s grace today, that it is not simple something that we are looking forward to in the future but it is something that is actively/presently training God’s children to be the people he wants us to be. We move from there to talk about not this but this important point, not my righteousness but the righteousness of God, not law but through faith, not my goodness but the goodness of Christ. And that lead us to significant discussion of surrendering. Last Sunday morning we spent time in talking about keeping God’s grace pure. We’ve reminded ourselves on numerous occasions that grace is not God’s permission to sin but, that it is God’s power to overcome sin and we want to continue to beat that drum this morning as we draw to the conclusion of this study…       Grace: God's Power to Overcome Sin (Student Workbook)Want to know more about Grace? Have you seen Grace abused too much, either by making it cheap or by acting like it doesn't really help the Christian? If so, then this student workbook is just what you are looking for. *** You May purchase workbook for $4:97 at  http://edwincrozier.com/my-store/


130922 Growing in Grace.pdf