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God is Love, Light, and Truth – This morning we move to talk a little bit more about some defining characteristics of God and we’ve got three of them God is love, God is light, and God is Truth.  And again I want to get at the fore front of our minds just like we did last week, we’re going to notice a pattern here that is evident from the scriptures.  We’re going to notice this is who our God is - number 1, number 2 - Jesus as the perfect manifestation of these things among men, this is who God is, this is who Immanuel (God with us) was, we come to know God most perfectly by looking at Jesus, number 3 – if those things are true this is what it means for us as disciples of Christ, as citizens of the kingdom of God, as lifelong learners and followers of Jesus. We begin back in 1 John 4, God is love. 1 John 4 emphasizes this over and over and over again, God is love.  Not simple God talks to us about love, not God showed us incredible love, God is love.  When you hear that phrase what do you think of, what is being communicated in just those three very simple English words? The authors of our material there on page 71 at the very end of the first paragraph, they do a very good job capsulizing some of this for us…


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