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130623 BC FLASHC8.mp4
Gods Fierce Wrath – This morning, we’re going to talk about a different and seemingly opposite portion of God’s Nature.  Unlike His love and His grace God’s fierce wrath, which is the subject matter this morning, is not something we like to study thoroughly all the time. It’s not something that’s always enjoyable to meditate upon, because honestly it’s frightening, it makes us uncomfortable to see God’s wrath displayed in scripture.  And for that reason and others Christians often opt out of studying this portion of God’s character, of course that is a very grave mistake to make. We see that God’s love and wrath are integral parts of His nature and that’s displayed in scripture.  Beginning this morning in Romans 11:22 which says, “Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provide you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off”. And as our material says on the first page, second sentence, and first paragraph it says, as we’ve said before many don not want to meditate on God’s fierce wrath and the pain and suffering His is capable of inflicting on them. God wants us to be aware of His immeasurable love and His awesome wrath. And it says in the second paragraph, beginning sentence, the Bible has a voice of warning and denunciation as well as words of invitation and love…


130623 Gods Fierce Wrath.pdf